So yeah just thought a limerick thread would be nice. If you don't know what a limerick is:
"a kind of humorous verse of five lines, in which the first, second, and fifth lines rhyme with each other, and the third and fourth lines, which are shorter, form a rhymed couplet." -Dictionary[dot]com
So post your limericks here. Doesn't matter if they are amazing or not, they are just for fun!
One time I was sitting at the bar, When a hot girl came to me from afar, We went to my room, To find out of my doom, The girl was no girl anymore!
(if you don't get that one I mean its a transvestite)
It was a fantastic s day at school, where he was pretending to be cool With a jolt his pants ripped, And then over he tripped Going commando proved him a fool.
I once had a teacher called George, i got angry and threw him in a gorge, the police came along, i did not run long, for i was cornered in the smithy's forge.
There was a young hunter named Shepherd Who was eaten for lunch by a leopard. Said the leopard, "Egad! You'd be tastier, lad If you had been salted and peppered!"
I'm dredfully sorry for the douple post but I had to post this.
A flea and a fly in a flue Were imprisoned, so what could they do? Said the fly, "let us flee!" "Let us fly!" said the flea. So they flew through a flaw in the flue.
The first one is from a book called Naughty Graffiti by Greg Knight.
The second one is a lymerik by Ogden Nash.
Oh why did you plagiarize lymeriks The very thought of it makes me sick Why did you do such a thing You deserve a good fling Or a whack with an oversized brick
There was a young vampire called Mabel, With periods exceedingly stable, By the light of the moon, She sat down with a spoon, And drank herself under the table.