"Why are you following me?!" She exclaimed. "You look like a... tasty time." He said with an evil chuckle. "What are you..."She begs. "Just a hungry bystander." He says as he comes closer. "Why me, ... Why me?" She says as her life slowly and painfuly comes to an end. _______________________________________
When you think about life. What do you think of? Do you see a world where things are possible? A bright future? Or do you see a world where we are all in chaos? Every man for himself? If you think of the first one, stop reading this right now. Just exit out, and never think of this again. Go live your happy life. But if you chose the second one, ... well, you might be able to keep reading. This is My world. The bad world you might say. You could think this is a fantasy. But it is real. You just need to open you eyes. This is a world where every step you take, someone might kill you. If you are to survive, You have to know about everyone. I will tell you about a few if you want to know. The few that are okay to be around, are the fairies, a few of the elves, maybe a demon or two, some of the wolves. But I don't know of any vampires that are good. Besides my self that is.
The fairies have many classifacations, but that would take a while. The Elves.... are playful you could say. But they are dangerous if you piss them off. Demons.... oh the demons... The ones that are okay, are the money hungry ones. They are the ones that will do anything for money, and don't care if a human is the one that gives the payment. You just have to make the highest offer. The wolves are nice you could say. If they realize that you are better in combat, they will be good. But the vampires... Pure evil. I have never met on that isn't. I am not saying it isn't possible, but I havne't met any. Ever. And I have been here for quite some time.
I haven't introduced my self have I? Well then. I will give you my name. But not right now.
You see, I am a book in the making, and my author is thinking about these certain things, like names and such. If you would like to be in the book, I think you should get to know my author and she might add you. my author is MoonFairy. Did you know that in my book there are Moon Fairies? Yep. There are. Anyways. My author is really awesome, and would like it if you posted a comment or two on what you think of me so far. If you do, She might finish my chapter! Do you know how happy that would make me?!?!?! I WANT MY CHAPTER TO BE FINISHED. YOU BETTER COMMENT OR ELSE I WILL FIND YOU AND HAUNT YOU AS THE CHAPTER NEVER FINISHED! Okay yeah so you don't want that do you? DO YOU?! Okay then. Comment and my author will think I am important enough to finish! Please?! I WILL LOVE YOU FOREVER! Thank you!
Yeah, unfortunatley. But sometimes they help. Now, Kyo, This is gonna be really hard for me to ask this next question.... ... .. . .. ... Will you ...please... make a profile application for my story...?
Lol you realize you could posted on my profile and not sounded anywhere near as desperate? But I refuse to fill out an attitude, your story, you come up with the personality. So what creatures are there?
@ Operation, duhh! I made the giant ant guy for you! ;P yes you can be an ant. Just tell me if you want him to be good or evil. and give me a name xD
Name: An'Tonilli Breachel Good person. Could defend ants with his life. Walks in six legs when he wants to go fast. Uses two legs for walking. Not to strong or to weak. He always carries a small handkerchief given as a present from her wife.
Name: An'Tonilli Breachel Masculine Good person. Could defend ants with his life. Walks in six legs when he wants to go fast. Uses two legs for walking. Not to strong or to weak. He always carries a small handkerchief given as a present from his wife. He likes to watch the countryside.
wait, am i still gonna be in your book??? Cause if I am well page 4 has all the info.. @Operation Why ants O_o why not bees or something, and just a question but irl are you a giant ant? O_o LOL xP
Maybe vampires who don't feed off of humans, which doesn't mean they're not evil... and allergy to human blood perhaps makes them more sympathetic to the cause...
I was interested until you tried to break the fourth wall and said that your vampire was a good one.
Oh jeez. they are still NORMAL vampires. not the freaking sparkly princess gay vampires. Just read it when (if) I update it.
And there is a manga called Chibi vampire, where she has to INJECT her blood into a human, not drink it like the others. she has too much blood, so she has to get rid of it.
Alright then, guess I can't make a profile....
WHAT?! well really, there are any creatures that you want. tell me what you wanna be, and I will add it in
@ 1337, yes you are still in don't worry. I just haven't had ANY time to update xD
ah well, and congrats on iron knight you're a freaking speed demon you know that?
I know. :3 most people that are iron knight started a year or two ago. i played and commented and rated almost every single adventure game, so that gave me alot of AP and now I am on the forums alot, so I still get AP even though I don't play the games as much anymore. X3 I plan on getting Gold knight by the end of the month. XP
Name: Kaerimiru Age: 21 Species: Nyoka Volgo (Snake people) Evil or Good: Neutral (as is the entire race) Height: 5'10 Body type: AB Negative
Eye Color: Gray flecked with emerald green Skin Color: deep brown Hair Color: Black
Background: At the age of eight he lost his family to a bandit raid, he vowed to have his revenge. Seeking out masters of the combat arts to train him, he quickly became skilled with many combat styles and weapons. He quickly became renowned and feared for his skill as an assassin. By the age of twenty, he had carried out over 50 successful assassinations. He had has failings, in that he could become irrationally angry when faced with those who attacked the ones that were unable to defend themselves such as the elderly, children, and invalids.
For more info on the snake people just drop me a post.