ForumsArt, Music, and WritingDoesn't have a title, But it is my book in the making. -MoonFairy

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"Why are you following me?!" She exclaimed.
"You look like a... tasty time." He said with an evil chuckle.
"What are you..."She begs.
"Just a hungry bystander." He says as he comes closer.
"Why me, ... Why me?" She says as her life slowly and painfuly comes to an end.

When you think about life. What do you think of? Do you see a world where things are possible? A bright future? Or do you see a world where we are all in chaos? Every man for himself? If you think of the first one, stop reading this right now. Just exit out, and never think of this again. Go live your happy life. But if you chose the second one, ... well, you might be able to keep reading.
This is My world. The bad world you might say. You could think this is a fantasy. But it is real. You just need to open you eyes. This is a world where every step you take, someone might kill you. If you are to survive, You have to know about everyone. I will tell you about a few if you want to know. The few that are okay to be around, are the fairies, a few of the elves, maybe a demon or two, some of the wolves. But I don't know of any vampires that are good. Besides my self that is.

The fairies have many classifacations, but that would take a while. The Elves.... are playful you could say. But they are dangerous if you piss them off. Demons.... oh the demons... The ones that are okay, are the money hungry ones. They are the ones that will do anything for money, and don't care if a human is the one that gives the payment. You just have to make the highest offer. The wolves are nice you could say. If they realize that you are better in combat, they will be good. But the vampires... Pure evil. I have never met on that isn't. I am not saying it isn't possible, but I havne't met any. Ever. And I have been here for quite some time.

I haven't introduced my self have I? Well then. I will give you my name. But not right now.

You see, I am a book in the making, and my author is thinking about these certain things, like names and such. If you would like to be in the book, I think you should get to know my author and she might add you. my author is MoonFairy. Did you know that in my book there are Moon Fairies? Yep. There are. Anyways. My author is really awesome, and would like it if you posted a comment or two on what you think of me so far. If you do, She might finish my chapter! Do you know how happy that would make me?!?!?! I WANT MY CHAPTER TO BE FINISHED. YOU BETTER COMMENT OR ELSE I WILL FIND YOU AND HAUNT YOU AS THE CHAPTER NEVER FINISHED! Okay yeah so you don't want that do you? DO YOU?! Okay then. Comment and my author will think I am important enough to finish! Please?! I WILL LOVE YOU FOREVER! Thank you!

  • 196 Replies
3,386 posts

"Why are you following me?!" She exclaimed.
"You look like a... tasty time." He said with an evil chuckle.
"What are you..."She begs.
"Just a hungry bystander." He says as he comes closer.
"Why me, ... Why me?" She says as her life slowly and painfuly comes to an end.
When you think about life. What do you think of? Do you see a world where things are possible? A bright future? Or do you see a world where we are all in chaos? Every man for himself? If you think of the first one, stop reading this right now. Just exit out, and never think of this again. Go live your happy life. But if you chose the second one, ... well, you might be able to keep reading.
This is My world. The bad world you might say. You could think this is a fantasy. But it is real. You just need to open you eyes. This is a world where every step you take, someone might kill you. If you are to survive, You have to know about everyone. I will tell you about a few if you want to know. The few that are okay to be around, are the fairies, a few of the elves, maybe a demon or two, some of the wolves. But I don't know of any vampires that are good. Besides my self that is.
The fairies have many classifacations, but that would take a while. The Elves.... are playful you could say. But they are dangerous if you piss them off. Demons.... oh the demons... The ones that are okay, are the money hungry ones. They are the ones that will do anything for money, and don't care if a human is the one that gives the payment. You just have to make the highest offer. The wolves are nice you could say. If they realize that you are better in combat, they will be good. But the vampires... Pure evil. I have never met on that isn't. I am not saying it isn't possible, but I havne't met any. Ever. And I have been here for quite some time.
I haven't introduced my self have I? Well then. I will give you my name. But not right now.
You see, I am a book in the making, and my author is thinking about these certain things, like names and such. If you would like to be in the book, I think you should get to know my author and she might add you. my author is MoonFairy. Did you know that in my book there are Moon Fairies? Yep. There are. Anyways. My author is really awesome, and would like it if you posted a comment or two on what you think of me so far. If you do, She might finish my chapter! Do you know how happy that would make me?!?!?! I WANT MY CHAPTER TO BE FINISHED. YOU BETTER COMMENT OR ELSE I WILL FIND YOU AND HAUNT YOU AS THE CHAPTER NEVER FINISHED! Okay yeah so you don't want that do you? DO YOU?! Okay then. Comment and my author will think I am important enough to finish! Please?! I WILL LOVE YOU FOREVER! Thank you!

now I will post the Apps that people sent me.


Name: Emily AKA Moon
Age: 17 when I 'Died'
Species: Vampire
Evil or Good: Good
Height: 5 feet 5 inches.
Body type: Slim but deadly ( she is a vampire. thats kind of a duh.)
Eye Color: Mostly Green. they have Golden streaks. They turn Blue when she is angry.
Skin Color: pale, but not deathly white. She is slightly darker compared to the other vampires.
Hair Color: Dirty Blonde with 3 gold streaks.
Attitude:Nice, but isn't afraid to kick anybody's butt. Is very strong, and has only been neaten by one person. Who is that person? find out later. Very smart, but lazy. Won't work for anything she doesn't see any worthwile outcome.
Background: Lived a pretty harsh childhood. Had very strict parents. Overall, had a decent 1-10 year life. 11-17 though, she had been questioning everything about herself. Determining what she wanted to do for the rest of her life. She mentally grew up alot faster than all the other kids her age.


Name: J
Age: 15 when he 'Died'
Species: Devil
Evil or Good: hmmm... he double crosses both sides but eventually comes to the good side with some dramatic stuff.
Height: 5 feet 5 inches. (Don't wanna change that... too lazy)
Body type: slightly slim but strong.
Eye Color: BLACK
Skin Color: pale-ish
Hair Color: It's a mix of black and white intercrossing(long bangs-ish)
Attitudeark, mysterious. Thinks everyone's a noob and their species are stupid and pointless (eventually come around in the 2nd book if there is one)
Background: Had only 2 or 3 colse friends. Dies when a jealous rival shoots him when he's 15. When he finds out about these other worlds he becomes a totally different person


Name: ELijah Cartright
Age: 27
Species: Vampire
Evil or Good: evil who later goes to good i believe we said?
Height: 6 foot 1 inch
Body type: very thin with an oddly tan complexion.
Eye Color: shining blue
Skin Color: tanned. tanning lotion and tanning booths help me to look normal and not pale like a vampire.
Hair Color: deep brown near black hair.
Attitude: a deep mysterious vampire. has a dark past and dark secrets that hide in his life. there are things he wish he hadn't done when he first turned, but habits and lifestyles die hard. has a perpetually sorrowful outlook on life. and will fight for his honor and to protect himself with an uncaring attitude
Background: was born to wealthy parents but decided to live on the streets when they couldn't accept his darker lifestyle. left home early and was turned when he double dealed a man who just happened to be a vampire.

We will sadly be throwing out Our loverly little Baka's Profile. T____________T


Name: An'Tonilli Breachel
Good person. Could defend ants with his life.
Walks in six legs when he wants to go fast. Uses two legs for walking.
Not to strong or to weak. He always carries a small handkerchief given as a present from his wife.
He likes to watch the countryside.

^ this one didn't excatly follow my template, so I might have to throw it out :O yooh bettah fiiiixxxx dis!

Kyouzou's ( finally decided to make one.. >.&gt

Name: Kaerimiru
Age: 21
Species: Nyoka Volgo (Snake people)
Evil or Good: Neutral (as is the entire race)
Height: 5'10
Body type: AB Negative
Eye Color: Gray flecked with emerald green
Skin Color: deep brown
Hair Color: Black

Background: At the age of eight he lost his family to a bandit raid, he vowed to have his revenge. Seeking out masters of the combat arts to train him, he quickly became skilled with many combat styles and weapons. He quickly became renowned and feared for his skill as an assassin. By the age of twenty, he had carried out over 50 successful assassinations. He had has failings, in that he could become irrationally angry when faced with those who attacked the ones that were unable to defend themselves such as the elderly, children, and invalids.

I'm diggin the name dude. just wanna know how the frick to pronounce it. xD ALRIGHTY! UPDATE COMING SOON TO A MOVIE THEATRE NEAR YOU!

3,937 posts

Is this acceptable?

Name: An'Tonilli Breachel
Age: 34
Species: Giant Ant
Evil or Good: Good
Height: 5'3
Body type: Ant's body. He has a bigger thorax than average.
Eye Color: He has Green eyes.
Skin Color: Dark Red. He has this color naturally.
Hair Color: He has long Black hair. It isn't very smooth. He doesn't care to much about his hair.
Attitude: He is a shy and sad ant. He likes to be near anthills to protect them.
Background: He was born in a anthill, but his pituitary gland went berserk and he counldn't stop growing. He grows on average 1 inch per year. He married at age 21. He lived happy days with his wife untill she misteriously dissapeared. Since then he hasn't been happy. He keeps a small handkerchief his wife gave him as a present.

3,386 posts

This update will be about Elijah Cartright. I am gonna modify the age and say he is 23 alrighty? Hope ya don't mind!

"Ah jeez. Didn't I tell you not to make fun of me?" Elijah says in a regretful tone.
"You think you can just come up in our place and tell us what to do Mister Emo?!" Says the defensive young girl.
"Well, lets see. I am older, I am hungry, and I am sure I am alot better in combat, SO YEAH I CAN DO THAT." Elijah says, now annoyed by the girl.
"This is my MAMA's House. Not yours! So you just need to shoo before I call the popo! Get outta here before I make you sorry you ever saw the front door!" The girl says while she reaches for the phone in the kitchen.
"You really shouldn't of done that... or called me Mister Emo. So -" Elijah pauses as the girl picks up the phone.
"Sh*t!" The girl cries as she steps on a peice of glass too small for the human eye to see.
"Too late for you now..." Elijah mutters as his eyes turn thoroughly black.
"What the fu*k?" The girl whispers. It was only a matter of moments before Elijah had the girl and was licking her neck.
"It won't hurt, I promise." Elijah says smoothly. His fangs portruded from his mouth and he cut into the flesh of the girl like a dog rips into a piece of steak.
"Nngh..." The girl's last mutter of breath was harsh and raggedy. Elijah dropped the girl on the floor as soon as his meal was dead. That is enough to last me for a while.
He thinks in his head as he walks out of the door while the neighbor gives him a suspicious look.

ELijah reached The Moon Coven House shortly after his meal. Beruzine met him at the door.
"Hey Elia!" Beruzine happily greets Elijah using his embarissing nick name.
"Beru, how many times have I told you to NOT call me Elia!" Elijah says walking to his old friend.
"However many times you want, cause I won't litsen!" Beruzine jokes.
"Anyways, who all is in today?" Elijah asks.
"Well, tonight is the Full Moon, so they are having a meeting that you are about to be late for." Beruzine says hurriedly.
"CRAP. I completely forgot!" Elijah rushes, "Who is in it?"
" Suprisingly J decided to join us tonight, I will be there, You will be there, The infamous Kaerimiru is on his way, Shiniohau is already in there, and Emily is here like always. Don't keep her waiting, man." Beru says.
"Alright then, what are we waiting for?" Elijah nervously asks before he and Beruzine walk into the Moon Coven House.

Alright. This is what I got so far, I know it isn't much, but it might keep yall happy for a bit. At least until I have more time. This was really rushed and it has not been edited, so don't expect much! xD Tell me whatcha think!

3,386 posts

And yes, this one is better! thank you! I will add you in next update.

715 posts

just about to get up when i saw this. i like my character ^^.
very descriptive on the feeding part. the dialogue seems a bit choppy to me, but most writing do when you really look at them. im really not one to say this but... maybe work on indenting a bit? continue on seems good to me!

3,386 posts

Danke! and yeah, it is a bit choppy. I might edit it later. And i completely forgot about indention xD

13,657 posts

I was interested until you tried to break the fourth wall and said that your vampire was a good one.

No. Just no.

No good vampires. I can understand neutral ones... BUT NOT.



Yeah, just commenting because of this. I need to.. read it to comment on your writing, but currently it is not really something I can/should do.

Anyway, the definition of "good vampire" being one that doesn't feed on humans seems odd to me. Perhaps I am just too interested in roleplaying, but it seems perfectly acceptable to me that a vampire would refuse to feed on humans because of being conscious about the feeding/ not wanting to hurt the living. It would generally be youngsters that have yet to grow out of the feeling of being human, as well as being young enough to be able to actually live on animals or through other similar solutions.
As they become stronger and older, they would most likely feel the horrid consequence of not feeding on what they should, and probably go into torpor if they continue.

Generally I believe you can do what you want with a species as long as you are aware (and show) the consequences of their choices and actions, which could be a hunger frenzy in this case, for example.

The only real time I would consider vampires to be evil would be in the old myths where they are zombies that live in the dirt. Most other stories give them a consciousness, which makes them differ as much as humans do.
However I will agree that most vampires, a while after the change, will conclude they are no longer humans, and, while showing respect, fx (by not actually killing your prey. Besides it would be stupid and get yourself a whole lot of attention you don't want) still consider humans to be food. Dangerous, silly and interesting food, but food none the less. Which would put them in the neutral state of mind, because they are just trying to survive, and are not killing (on purpose at least).
Besides, to take the WoD way of vampires. If you keep killing and being one with the beast that lives inside you, you will eventually become the beast. And beasts don't live long, when both humans and vampires are after your head.

Back to the awesome of exams, woot.
3,386 posts

Eh yeah. the main character is basically what

Anyway, the definition of "good vampire" being one that doesn't feed on humans seems odd to me. Perhaps I am just too interested in roleplaying, but it seems perfectly acceptable to me that a vampire would refuse to feed on humans because of being conscious about the feeding/ not wanting to hurt the living. It would generally be youngsters that have yet to grow out of the feeling of being human, as well as being young enough to be able to actually live on animals or through other similar solutions.
As they become stronger and older, they would most likely feel the horrid consequence of not feeding on what they should, and probably go into torpor if they continue.
says. cept Moon AKA Emily is kinda young, but totally kick butt. She is feared. alot. that is why Elijah and Beruzine are afraid to go to the meeting thing.

And I feel sorry for you. Exams. That must suck. Mine are next week. T____T Good luck on em!
3,937 posts

Nice! Hope the update comes soon.

5,061 posts

I liked the new chapter, however it seemed rushed an lacked flow, and there wasn't a lot of description, try on that maybe?

1,813 posts

I'm sorry about the pretty late post, I'll do my best to meet your expectations with this awesome character!
You wanted an elf right, then leeeeet's geeeeeeeet down to it!

Name: Seth
Race: Elf
Good or Evil: Neither
Body type: Lean and muscular; Athletic
Blood type: O-
Skin color: Alsmost as white as snow
Hair color: White with a very faint bluish hue
Eye color: Green with a fleck of golden in his right eye
Attitude and backstory: Raised far from any civilisation, he's grown without a proper dichotomy concerning good and evil, thus the ''neither'' instead of ''neutral''. His father, who thaught him to hunt restlessy for survival, died when Seth turned 19. The poor Elf is now alone wandering the land. He never had any contact with anyone else than his father so he's very naive about the world and society. Even though, he's incredibly agile and can survive by himself in the most savage environments. His right eye has a golden fleck on the iris which allows him to have an incredibly clear vision when in the dark. This gives him an edge as an archer, for he's as potent at night than he is when shooting in daylight. Of course, he's fabulously accurate; he's an Elf!
I'll build up more if you want deeper backstory or just precisions, don't hesitate to ask Moon!

1,813 posts

Sorry, forgot the height: he's 5'11

3,386 posts

Thanks! its fine lol I will hopefully update tonight if my parents go to bed early. Yes this was very very rushed update. but I am just outlining the ideas at first, it will get very clear ( hopefully ) when I get the whole idea of what I want to happen in it xD I will try to make the next one alot better. I just need some time. This weekend I might have alot more time, so it will probably be then.

1,766 posts

I like what you've written so far, it's good.
Although I don't understand this part.

"Sh*t!" The girl cries as she steps on a peice of glass too small for the human eye to see.

What was the point of the glass? Was it needed to suck her blood, or was it random?
3,386 posts

Dude. it is a vampire. a human bleeds, he senses it, he goes crazy. cmon get with it XD

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