ForumsArt, Music, and WritingDoesn't have a title, But it is my book in the making. -MoonFairy

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"Why are you following me?!" She exclaimed.
"You look like a... tasty time." He said with an evil chuckle.
"What are you..."She begs.
"Just a hungry bystander." He says as he comes closer.
"Why me, ... Why me?" She says as her life slowly and painfuly comes to an end.

When you think about life. What do you think of? Do you see a world where things are possible? A bright future? Or do you see a world where we are all in chaos? Every man for himself? If you think of the first one, stop reading this right now. Just exit out, and never think of this again. Go live your happy life. But if you chose the second one, ... well, you might be able to keep reading.
This is My world. The bad world you might say. You could think this is a fantasy. But it is real. You just need to open you eyes. This is a world where every step you take, someone might kill you. If you are to survive, You have to know about everyone. I will tell you about a few if you want to know. The few that are okay to be around, are the fairies, a few of the elves, maybe a demon or two, some of the wolves. But I don't know of any vampires that are good. Besides my self that is.

The fairies have many classifacations, but that would take a while. The Elves.... are playful you could say. But they are dangerous if you piss them off. Demons.... oh the demons... The ones that are okay, are the money hungry ones. They are the ones that will do anything for money, and don't care if a human is the one that gives the payment. You just have to make the highest offer. The wolves are nice you could say. If they realize that you are better in combat, they will be good. But the vampires... Pure evil. I have never met on that isn't. I am not saying it isn't possible, but I havne't met any. Ever. And I have been here for quite some time.

I haven't introduced my self have I? Well then. I will give you my name. But not right now.

You see, I am a book in the making, and my author is thinking about these certain things, like names and such. If you would like to be in the book, I think you should get to know my author and she might add you. my author is MoonFairy. Did you know that in my book there are Moon Fairies? Yep. There are. Anyways. My author is really awesome, and would like it if you posted a comment or two on what you think of me so far. If you do, She might finish my chapter! Do you know how happy that would make me?!?!?! I WANT MY CHAPTER TO BE FINISHED. YOU BETTER COMMENT OR ELSE I WILL FIND YOU AND HAUNT YOU AS THE CHAPTER NEVER FINISHED! Okay yeah so you don't want that do you? DO YOU?! Okay then. Comment and my author will think I am important enough to finish! Please?! I WILL LOVE YOU FOREVER! Thank you!

  • 196 Replies
5,642 posts

Nothing is wrong with the Fay. They are just creepy as hell whenever they decided to go kidnap normal beings and make them their slaves, putting in replacements where they took the humans...

Someone has read way too much spiderwick.
13,657 posts

Someone has read way too much spiderwick.

What's Spiderwick?
3,386 posts

Ooooh. My bad. And if anyone has read FableHaven, they are awesome kick butt warriors.

715 posts

ummmm let's do like Cenere said and keep this on topic?

13,657 posts

It all depends on the origin.
To take the original legends, faeries are smaller forest spirits related to nymphs, gnomes and other of the mythical beings, like elves, which is actually what I was halfway referring to.
Later representations has been smaller wood dwelling beings with wings and often portrayed female.
If I remember correctly, you could upset the faeries by building on their land, and you would need to sacrifice and often build in the sacrifice into the building to keep it safe.

What I referred to is the Fay, the creatures featured in WoD Changeling, which has these Changelings as slaves. Good rpg books.

3,386 posts

What is the WoD (<-noob question).
An even more offtopic topic, My parents are making me only spend 4 hours on a computer on the weekends and 2 during the week cuz I have to wear glasses now. MY LIFE IS OVAAAHHHHH! All my games are gonna go to ruins! MapleStory, GrandFantasia, WonderKing, AdventureQuest, LastChaos, I AM RUINED!
just felt like I should share that with yall. And personally, I think glasses are snazzy.

13,657 posts

Not actually a noob(or newb) question. WoD stands for World of Darkness, which is a series of roleplaying/story telling games that revolves around a darker version of this world. There are options to play human, vampire, werewolf, mage, promethean (generally a Frankenstein's monster looking creature), changeling, hunter and geist (if I remember correctly). Many of their informations are set up so the creatures make as much sense as they can, which makes the books rather interesting to read.

You should tell them that sitting by the computer, as long as you are not actually staring at it, won't affect your vision.

1,813 posts

Glasses are your best friend, thrust me, I'd kill to have new ones today...
So, any upcoming work.
Like a paragraph or two, maybe the book's introduction?
Hahaha, as a kid, my parents would only let me play video games on weekends and about an hour or two per day...

1,766 posts

Ewww WonderKing... I like Maplestory better even though I quit.

Anyway, when's the next part coming out?

3,386 posts

Jeez the pressure O.o
and WonderKing I played so I could get Beta Rights. XD
Btw, MapleStory, When did you quit?
@FAllen, thrust me? really? dontcha just hate spelleng errors? and I already wore glasses for about a year, but It wasn't that bad so I just stopped, but now I am blind when it comes to things far away.
I quit wearing glasses because they made everything darker. The trees weren't as bright, and they messed up the shades of white.

1,813 posts

@FAllen, thrust me? really? dontcha just hate spelleng errors?

Ok, unless it was wanted, I epic loled on that one...complete fail Moon. Well I'm sorry if I let SOME mistakes slip from time to time, I watch my keyboard when typing. Plus, I'm a french-canadian, so of course, my english is not yet pristine, I'm terribly sorry. *geeez*

As for the glasses subject, what is your degree of myopia?

3,386 posts

Myopia? say whaa? and yeah yeah yeah you can speak french and english BLAH. I don't know much french, and I sure as heck can't spell it, but I can say it lolz. Je'mapelle Emily? I think XD

1,813 posts

Well, how weak is your vision? You know how they have degrees to qualify it. If you have to wear glasses, then you must have - some degrees in at least one of your eyes, do you remember how many?

3,386 posts

like 20/20? erm i dont know. it just said on the perscription -350 scribbled out. also found out I have the-thingie-that-i-just-forgot-the-name-of- thing where your eye is shaped like a football instead of a circle. astygmatism? idk.

1,813 posts

yeah that's it...
As for the degrees, it's not the right measure, as having -350 would mean that you're completely blind. ( It's impossible in fact) For example, I'm minus 7 in my right eye, (contact lens measure scale) and I'm considered to be a phenomenon.
Anyway, the point is that if you don't wear your glasses when you're supposed too, little veins will make their way into your iris because you always focus for things you shouldn't. The negative effects are that you won't be able to wear contact lens or have a laser operation past a certain point. Of course, that's only if you're having a terrible vision like me, and that's why I wanted to know. In any case, wearing glasses is never a bad thing¸when you need to, but don't stress out if they said that your vision weakness is only minimal...

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