This is a thread where Fallen'll be posting his pencil works. Fallen is very open to constructive criticism, and will refer all impolite people to the rules of conduct of this Ag section. Without any further ado, Fallen will post a Blazingly hot Flareon upon this page.
Yes, indeed. Though it is humanly possible to achieve Ganticness, being stropish is but a relativity; you cannot be stropish, you can only aspire to be ''somewhat stropish'',given that only Strop can be a ninja poney, thus stropish. And that post of crap marks my 500th, cheers.
I dunno what I'll be drawing, but right now I'm playing pokemon...In any case it'll be a hatched drawing since I try to further my hatching. Hatching is the way of the pros! Maybe a Hatched pokemon?...Hmmm, anyway, got to level up that leafeon, it's got a perfect IV in attack Weeee!
Well, thanks a lot! I hope you'll keep coming in! I'm pretty exclamative! My contest results didn't kick in yet! I need to go to BED!!! Hmm, I'll start working on something after the weekend since I work from Thursday to Sunday...Yeah, what a drag...But you know, that apartment won't pay itself alone!
No one needs sleep! Look at me! I don't sleep at all and I'm totally fine! alsdkjfhiaonvaskldcnaoi urgnsoidfjfbkjvsndlk >DDDDDD Hint: Mix, Nos, amp, full throttle, monster, an red bull together. tastes AWESOME. but no one else likes it... still, it is a helluva energy boost. Does moving out of your apartment mean the you...? Cause I feel bad for ya if ya did.
ix, Nos, amp, full throttle, monster, an red bull together. tastes AWESOME. but no one else likes it... still, it is a helluva energy boost.
first off mixing all of them is just a placebo effect. (excuse muah, because I just smoked a bowl before chem class and it is hella borning) you think that those drinks have tons of caffeine? no.. because that would first off make it cost more $$. second of all it could be extremely dangerous. second of all they use vitamin B12, which latch on to receptors and it realeases ATP aka energy. but once you flood the receptors. it will give you a boost but no more B12 can latch on therefore making the more you drink just do nothing at all. so basically you are either trying to sound super extreme/cool by seemingly doing something unorthodox. or just like to waste moneys.
Red Bull is bad it's worser than Monster Energy and Monster Energy I like
worse would have been the better choice.
Sadly NoS is'nt available in Australia only NoS as in Nitro is available in Australia but I think it's illegal.
yea NoS is one of those that add incredible amounts of sugar. which make it become dangerous for normal consumption over a long period of time.
In any case, I stick with coffee, I never take such things as energy drinks, I have plenty for myself; I drink coffee before I like it, and I drink it BLACK! Yep, I just learned that I didn't win my literature contest while my best friend did, rats... And I put so much energy into this, I really gave it my all. Oh well, guess I'll praise myself on being a better pokemon trainer than him *shudders*
well placebo effect or not, it is really good tasting and keeps me awake and hyper. Either way, it floats my boat. XP DDX XP I hate lit contests at school... 1. Not nearly enough time to actually write anything worthwhile. 2. Their topics suck but.
You get like 90 minutes to write a idea diagram, (have to have one),rough draft (and you have to have one of those too) And your final paper. BLARGH! The idea diagram is just awful. You have 3 topics in squares, then you have to write 4 details in triangles about each of the topics, and then your intro and conclusion. that takes me like 30 minutes. I'm no good at writing out my thoughts. I can type them though.... it takes alot less time. "> >
This topic was priceless: How would you describe a color to a blind person. They have been blind their entire life.
I said that I would describe black. I wrote: Black is what you have seen, or better yet the absence of what you haven't seen, your entire life.
I turned that sucker in. i got a FOUR. Which is the top grade you can get. Idiots. /offtopicness. I am sorry that you lost Fallen. I will now be adding a sad face, which is a rare sight for me to put down unless it is T T. You should be honored.
That is like as sympathetic as it gets man. No sarcasm intended at all. Seriously.