First of all, this story is fictional and the ants' social behaviors are different than in a real anthill-so please don't post a comment if it's going to talk about "Ants don't behave that way".
The Call went on. Hundreds of Ants poured out of the Anthill. A dead cricket has been found not too far. It was massive, well, at least for Ant standards. Its huge legs were flat on the ground and its body was some inches long. Hundreds of ants slowly and carefully carried its huge body into the Anthill. The Queen Koldrymandias is always hungry, but it's no time to eat. Nearby anthill Antopolis has been awkwardly sending ants to their food supply location, and many ants were starving. But, as mother of the great complex, she got the first bite. Then the cricket's body was munched by many ants, starting with the hungriest of all. They had been lucky to find a cricket of such size. *******************
"That cricket sure was heavy" told Ban the ant to his friends Lan and Zan "I'm happy we had a mouthfull. " "Yes" Agreed Zan "Just hope the idiots of that other anthill...errr what was its name?" "Antopolis" Told Ban to his Friend "Well, those guys get away from our food." He angrily said " If I were queen, I would start the war. Let it begin, we got nothin' to lose and much to win"
But that was what he thought.
"Granzan!" Called the Queen "A cup of water! I am thirsty. It is not a good thing, for I am your Queen!" "Yes your highness, happy to help you Highness." He said Humbly. "Would you like..." "Plain water fool" She said. Then she had him banished for asking a question. The Queen was proud. The water was brought to her presence by the finest of chefs.
Granzan took his family away in the night to avoid any questions. They wandered in the wild for many nights, eating any dead catterpilar or bug, with scarcely enough food to live. They passed the Great Antropolis and the Butterfly Plains.They took residence five miles to the East. They were the founders of anthill Garvarson in which liberty was ensured, and you could name yourself something that didn't end in -an, so Granzan changed his name into "Gransces", which in the language he created for his anthill, meant "The Free one" or "He who escaped opression". Many ants, in either day or night fled away to the new anthill, were they learned Gransces's tongue. They all changed their names as it was, as tradition, fordibben for your name to end in -an. In some weeks, the ants in Garvarson were from ten ants to ten hundred, and then to ten thousand. But each winter, the butterflies from Butterfly plain came to the anthill for a place to survive, and the ants welcomed them with open hands, as long as they had their own food, for the ants in the anthill barely had enough for themselves. So, trade flourished as traders from this anthill, using butterflies as steeds, went into North, South and West, but never to the East, for the Wicked Queen there had her home. They became rich, and soon had a great supply of food, so they didn't starve, unlike the nearby anthill, which completely depended on the nearby food supply. So, they built great walls, ten inches high and two inches wide to cover the anthill, and the anthill wasn't a simple mound, but a city with hundreds of miniature buildings and skyscrapers towering through the metropolis, and small suburbian houses. These buildings were made of white and grey bricks, while the wall was made of white bricks. Altough it had these great defenses, the Anthill lacked soldiers . But that was not a problem, for there were many mercenaries nearby. And on the top of the great anthill, a great tower stood. It was completely made of bronze and iron, forged in the hands of Calderon the Great. It was twenty inches high, and could be seen for many yards. In the tower, the King, the Queen and their kids lived peacefully. The tower inside was far more beautiful than in the outside. IT was strong, very strong, and could resist hard storms and rocks, so, when storms came, the ants from all over the city came to seek shelter, and none was turned back, and they happily welcomed them, even if the only place available for them to be was in the king's room. But its engineers had designed it carefully, and there was room for 50,000 ants.
this story is fictional and the ants' social behaviors are different than in a real anthill-so please don't post a comment if it's going to talk about "Ants don't behave that way".
Say what genre it is and all will be answered. IT looks like a fantasy story.
By the way: Antonia is actually a girl's name. Idn't that funny?
Ban loaded a heavy sack into a small cart. He wanted to go to Garvarson, because rumors of the free city were great. He walked through the main street, from which many smaller streets originated. Many ants looked at him with interest. None knew where he was going, or if he would ever come back. He passed through the many small adobe houses, where many faces observed him, but not a whisper was heard. Everyone in the Anthill knew him, for he was a good ant, and he had done many good deeds for his friends and even his enemies. He always forgived everyone, no matter what they did. But the Queen was jealous of his good reputation, and saw a chance to kill him...
Zan was minding his own business in his little small hut, where he lived alone. He was cleaning the dishes of his home, often full of friends because he was well known. He liked to talk about distant places, and when the taverns of the Anthill received the rumors of the Great, Free city, he had investigated about it. He took a jug of beer, and drank, and happily joked with his friends. They laughed back at him. They were having a good time, when the Imperial Guard of Ants entered the small hut, took him by force, and punched him. His friends came to his aid, but the guards were armed, and killed them all, so only Zan Was left alive. He was taken to the place where the Queen lived.
"Tell me, imbecile, where is he headed!" The Queen demanded "Never!" He answered! He was then beaten again. "Unwilling to speak, eh?" She said with a cruel smile "Take himto the hall!" "The...the...the hall?..." He blurted out "Yes, guards!" "Yes ma'am!" The Guards responded. They took him to the 'Hall' and he never came out of it again alive, but legend tells he was tortured untill death by the Cruel Queen herself...
Zan was taken away handcuffed,and blindgolded, hith his hands on his back, and the guards where talking about the City "Yes, nice place, but I don't like the peaple starving..." Said a first guard "It makes the whole place look horrible, and I feel we're in a cemetry. There is no excitement!" "Well, I don't like the silly adobe houses... Even the Queen's palace is made of that, whereas Antopolis is made of stone, and Garvarson is made of Marble." Said a second guard "Ahhh, we're here. Take the slave to the Queen, as she ordered!" Said the first.
Lan was working at the carpenter's place, cutting him some wood. In some time, he had a nice little stack of logs. He always respected others, and often helped others. He was a nice Ant, by ant standards. The carpenter enjoyed his presence. He often sang long, sad poems, telling of the deeds of the ants when dinosaurs existed, and the ants had entered war with the giants, and slain many. Those ants were brave, and full of courage, and their cities were hidden in the ground several yards from the surface. None knew how he had gotten that information. As he was chopping a small wooden table in several pieces to be recicled, he heard a loud bang at the door. He looked from the yard. The carpenter was hiding in the table, and the Imperial Guard destroyed the door with their fists. They took the carpenter and started interrogating him. "Where is he!?!?!?!" A guard screamed " Where is he?!?!?!" "Get away from me!" The carpenter hopelessly said. "Please!" They murdered him on the place. Lan climbed the wall and got into the roof. As he climbed up, he saw a guard in the roof waiting for him. He punched Lan's face, a crack was heard, and Lan was left unconscious.
I think all the ants should rebel against the queen! They should take an magnifying glass and burn her to death with the sun! And then all go to Garvarson!
Good story, I like all the short lived characters that have little importance, yeT it really gives meaning to the story! Great work
wow those ant guards really do kill alot of poor innocent ants. Question though is there only one ant queen? and If there is how do the other cities maintain a population without one?