So this is a place where you can write a story and get it judged The theme for this time is Video Games Somehow you must have video games in your story plot Please don't make the story too short nor too long. You decide on that, but I recommend something between one good paragraph and one page.
Yeah dude. This isn't gonna last. I tried this when I was a noob, and not many people will. You probably won't get 10 entries either. :/ Sorry to break it to ya.
Hmm...Here's my entry. Jonathan is the main character.
"Where am I?" asked himself Jonathan. He saw a plain, but it was full of craters, and bodies. He could see something approaching. If it wasn't scary, it was huge. It was in the sky. He saw it more closely: it was purple, and he recognized the spaceship. "Wait a minute!" He said "Isn't that Shadow of Intent?" Being a Halo freak he inmediately recognized it. Then he saw a huge army coming. One was in the West, and another in the East. They marched towards each other and he recognized their soldiers. On the West were Marines and what was left of the Spartan II force. On the other side, a vast army of Grunts, Elites, Brutes, Hunters, Jackals and the prophet of Truth. Then, the air was filled with a swarm of Hornets and Banshees and a battle started in the sky. The two swarms faced each other. The Banshees seemed to be winning, and then the Hornets won the advantage thanks to missile pods installed on the ground. Then, about 20 Pelicans went through the sky, and 30 Phantoms came, and the battle was huge. Only then Jonathan noticed he wasn't a Human anymore, but he was a grunt. "What the...?" There was a small plasma pistol nearby, and he took it, and examined it. It was heavier than it looked like, and he fired it once, amazed at the recoil which sent him backwards. He fell on the ground. When he looked up, he saw another grunt. "Hello. My name is Dabdab" The creature said. Dabdab then pointed at another grunt. "This is my friend Gagad." "Hullo! I see you are having a great time whilst we fight the demon and his evil companions. They must die! Perish!" The grunt Gagad said. "Come, we were sent to tell you to join our ranks. Jonathan the Grunt walked with them towards the huge Covenant Army, and there were many Wraiths, and Ghosts, and the Wraiths were allready firing, laying waste to the forces of the UNSC. The Scorpions of the UNSC instantly opened fire and explosive shells fell into the army, many hitting with grim accuracy. The Ghosts, with green grunts piloting them, charged at the enemy. The first line of Marines was completely splattered, and none remained alive. The seconr file of marines was partially splattered, and the third line had been barely hit. When the pilots were all dead, Jonathan heard what he did not want to hear. "Unggoy, Shangeili, charge!!!" Screamed the Prophet. The Grunts and the Elites charged from their positions at the enemy, and just then many pelicans came from the north, and they landed behind the Marines' ranks, and from them The Spartans and the Demon- Master Chief-was with them, and they went directly into battle. Jonathan paralized as he saw that the Demon was coming straight at him. The last thing he remembered was being taken by the neck, insults coming from his and his enemy's mouths, and then a fist in front of his eyes. Then, he lived no more.
SS your story was pretty interesting, the bit where he suddenly switched from being a marine to a grunt was odd, but other than that it was pretty cool.
S your story was pretty interesting, the bit where he suddenly switched from being a marine to a grunt was odd, but other than that it was pretty cool.
Oh well we have one story already... This won't be judged (I am a bad judge of my own work) but here is a short story I wrote:
"No, no, no, NO!!" Dan screamed at the scream which now read, 'GAME OVER' in big red capital letters. The screen goes blank and then the game starts back up...from the beginning
"This is just great! Who creates a game were when you die you start from the VERY BEGINNING! And why is the character so weak that it takes you ten punches to kill a person and two punches to die! Seriously I bet if I were in the shoes of the character I would beat the sh... yeah everyone would be down and I would have any trouble finishing the game... and why is the f*** TV gone?!..." It didn't take him long to realize that he was transported into the game.
Dan stands up and brings his hands to his face in a fighting stance when the gang comes to attack him. He quickly gets punched two times in the head and is unconscious.
With blood dripping from his nose, a busted jaw, and bruised cheeks Dan wakes up back in his room with the GAME OVER of the TV staring at him....
The moral of the day is: Don't insult the bad video game because it hurts...
OK, uhh... If this contest is still on, I'm gonna write a story in here. If you don't mind :S
Kate licked her paw. "James, why do you have to be so good at this game?!", she said to her buddy. "I just can't help it" replied James. "I just love to play Motor Storm!" "Oh, I shall beat you over million times, when I get that cheat code!", said Kate, and closed her phone.
James went to get some chips from his cabinet. He ate chips and went back to play with his PS3.
"Oh man! The bar is too low... *sigh* I quess I'll have to download it again..." James took a comicbook and started reading it. Kate was searching help from the internet. She didn't wanna play Motor Storm anymore. "I'll think, I'll just change the disc to Locoroco... I need more cheats to it."
There it was. It wasn't small or long... right? I quess It's ok... ^^'