ForumsArt, Music, and WritingWhen Hell Has No Room, the Dead Will Walk On Earth.

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715 posts

Great so, I've seen a recent outbreak of zombie stories here on ArmorGames, and i've been reading some lately, and i think i'd like to try one of my own.

The whole roles cast thing? I'm going to need people for this and characters. I'll only accept a few, and will tell you when the cut-off is.

To be in this, im going to need the following data

Name: (needs to be a full, realistic name.)
Age: (anything goes here)
Job: (anything from McDonalds, to Military. no "special ops super elite commando sniper" jobs accepted. Military makes you a seargeant or a private. please, we do need some normal people in this )
History: (Be as in depth as possible and try to be creative. A paragraph or two will do.)
Personality: (remember, were talking real life here. so no "im mr super strong corageous brave who can bench press 500 lbs and fears nothing." Use your own if you have to, pick out thebest flaws, and the perfections.)
Anything else?: (name it here!)
Do you mind dieing?: (in the story that is!)

after filling this out, just post it to here. not only will you be a member of the story, but i will be asking you from time to time such as, "what you would do in this situation", or "what do you think of this?" Things like that and everythign to do with the story. input is welcome, and i need characters!

Lets go get some zeds!

  • 85 Replies
26,390 posts

Name: Michael T. Coal
Age: 30
Job: Neurologist/Psychologist
History: Was born into a middle-class family in America, raised normally. Went through phases of wanting to be a movie star, author, singer, etc. before finally settling on doctor. Was very intelligent and got into Cornell with a scholarship, and he earned a doctorate in psychology and human behavioral sciences. However, his scholarship did not pay for medical school(being that he wanted to become a doctor), so in order to pay he was forced to join the military. He served years in the Marine Corps, meanwhile taking night classes and finally earned his M.D. However, even though he had only signed up for four years, he was kept in when another war started, and forced to serve another four years. However, during this time, because he was a doctor now, he was relocated from the front lines of battle to a field hospital back home, where he treated PTSD and also performed surgeries. During this time, he completed his four-year residency.
Personality Cons: Vulgar, gutter-minded, easily angered, jaded, and cynical. In addition, he sometimes has near-bipolar shifts of mood when he gets mad; sometimes he gets REALLY mad, and other times he just collapses. He is also sometimes foolishly stand-alone, disliking working with others as equals(though as long as he's the leader, he's fine with it).
Personality Pros: Brave, loyal, and industrious.
Anything else:
Do you mind dieing: Well...uh...I would really not like it, but I suppose. As long as it's honorable martyrdom with a lot of fanfare!


718 posts

Name: Brett Vander Wielen
Age: 23
Job: A home run photography buissness
History: Normal income family of 4. Never could decide what do do with his life until one day he wanted to be a photopher. Went to collage. Went on a scholarship of $1000. He is a smarter person.

Personality cons: Will not give up in fights. Can have a short temper at times. Can get devious.
Personality pros: if you get to know him nice, smart, loyal
Anything else: hates hights but will do what he needs to do
Do you mind dieing: DONT KILL ME

there you go

715 posts

hypermnestra, very good

slayguy a bit moar history could be useful plz ^^

also guys please include how your character looks, sorry my bad forgot to add that .

153 posts

Name:Xaivier Hex Philips Age:11 Job:He is currently a black belt, but he has no job because he's just a kid. Personality cons: Does'nt give up, Funny, smart, but does'nt act like it at most times.Personality pros: he will never give up for you at risky situations. Anything else: Does'nt like killing for fun, but if he has to, he'll somewhat hesitate to kill. But he will. Dieing: please,don't he's just a 11 year old boy! additions: he's got brown eyes and hair, and wears a shirt with that radiation sign. he's white. ok. DONE!

153 posts

his hair is kinda spikey. plz. I just made him up just to be in here.

26,390 posts

Name: Michael T. Coal
Age: 30
Job: Neurologist/Psychologist
History: Was born into a middle-class family in America, raised normally. Went through phases of wanting to be a movie star, author, singer, etc. before finally settling on doctor. Was very intelligent and got into Cornell with a scholarship, and he earned a doctorate in psychology and human behavioral sciences. However, his scholarship did not pay for medical school(being that he wanted to become a doctor), so in order to pay he was forced to join the military. He served years in the Marine Corps, meanwhile taking night classes and finally earned his M.D. However, even though he had only signed up for four years, he was kept in when another war started, and forced to serve another four years. However, during this time, because he was a doctor now, he was relocated from the front lines of battle to a field hospital back home, where he treated PTSD and also performed surgeries. During this time, he completed his four-year residency.
Personality Cons: Vulgar, gutter-minded, easily angered, jaded, and cynical. In addition, he sometimes has near-bipolar shifts of mood when he gets mad; sometimes he gets REALLY mad, and other times he just collapses. He is also sometimes foolishly stand-alone, disliking working with others as equals(though as long as he's the leader, he's fine with it).
Personality Pros: Brave, loyal, disciplined, and industrious.
Anything else: Erm he has a good dark sense of humor, other than that I can't think of anything, and he's strict. Oh, and he's an atheist.
Do you mind dieing: Well...uh...I would really not like it, but I suppose. As long as it's honorable martyrdom with a lot of fanfare! But I would prefer if he survived.
Eye Color: Blue
Hair: Dark Brown Ivy League, Clean Shaven
Height: 6'2
Clothing: Well, let me see. Think this watch(hey, doctors get paid a lot), these hospital uniform, this Marine uniform, these aviator sunglasses(except darker), and that's about it.

How's that?

715 posts

allright, now two or three military people would be welcome

26,390 posts

Hm, so when do you think the first chapter will be done?

715 posts

when i get my characters all readied up.

153 posts

oh, and his height is 4.9 and weight is 67 lbs

26,390 posts

Oh yeah, and Coal is tan. Forgot to mention that in mah detailed description.

44 posts

Name: Joshur (he keeps his last name unkown)
Age: 33
Job: Freelance mercenary (that counts as military right?)
History: Fearless since birth, Joshur has always been a thril seeker, getting his first pistol at the age of 14 (they are his perferred weapon) he began training to be in the military, but a few years into his military career he realized he could make alot more money as a mercenary, so he turned freelance, he has done everything from bodyguarding princesses (he is rumored to be teh annonymous boyfriend of one ((Sorry if I'm trying to be a nancy sue.)) to just being another soldier on the field.
Personality: he's a tough man to get to know, but if you egt to know him he can be a true friend, great sense of humor, yet doesn't like f*cking around in dire situations, he is quite intelligent since he graduated from Texas A&M (The college I hope to attend xD) but he does have one major flaw, if people insult his family or friends he just looses control and goes crazy.
Anything else?: He prefers to use dual pistols as weapons, but he does know some basic martial arts.
Do you mind dieing?: I'd definently like to live, but hey anything can happen.

Sorry if I kinda tried to look like a nancy sue with the datign the princess thing xP.

44 posts

GAH forgot apperance

Apperance: he is 5'7 and he is pale, his hair is slighly spiked, but he almost always wears either a backwards cap or a bullet bill beanie over it, he wears hoodies and cargo jeans, and he also has some nice DC shoes.

26,390 posts

Name: Michael T. Coal
Age: 30
Job: Neurologist/Psychologist
History: Was born into a middle-class family in America, raised normally. Went through phases of wanting to be a movie star, author, singer, etc. before finally settling on doctor. Was very intelligent and got into Cornell with a scholarship, and he earned a doctorate in psychology and human behavioral sciences. However, his scholarship did not pay for medical school(being that he wanted to become a doctor), so in order to pay he was forced to join the military. He served years in the Marine Corps, meanwhile taking night classes and finally earned his M.D. However, even though he had only signed up for four years, he was kept in when another war started, and forced to serve another four years. However, during this time, because he was a doctor now, he was relocated from the front lines of battle to a field hospital back home, where he treated PTSD and also performed surgeries. During this time, he completed his four-year residency.
Personality Cons: Vulgar, gutter-minded, easily angered, jaded, and cynical. In addition, he sometimes has near-bipolar shifts of mood when he gets mad; sometimes he gets REALLY mad, and other times he just collapses. He is also sometimes foolishly stand-alone, disliking working with others as equals(though as long as he's the leader, he's fine with it), and is merciless.
Personality Pros: Brave, loyal, disciplined, intelligent, and industrious.
Anything else: Erm he has a good dark sense of humor, other than that I can't think of anything, and he's strict. Oh, and he's an atheist. He knows CQC pretty well(being in the Marines and all), and is good with guns(again, Marines). In addition, well, he's a doctor, so he can like heal people medically.
Do you mind dieing: Well...uh...I would really not like it, but I suppose. As long as it's honorable martyrdom with a lot of fanfare! But I would prefer if he survived.
Eye Color: Blue
Hair: Dark Brown Ivy League, Clean Shaven
Height: 6'2
Skin: Tan.
Weight: 170 lbs.
Clothing: Well, let me see. Think this watch(hey, doctors get paid a lot), these hospital uniform, this Marine uniform, these aviator sunglasses(except darker), and that's about it.
Hospital Uniform Link:
Watch Link:
Marine Uniform Link:
Sunglasses Link:

Updated for more deets.

OOC: I like yours, Jozhur.

718 posts

ok brett vander wielen add on ( only doing the stuff that i forgot

History: Has 3 other siblings not married he was the mayor of a small town he served all possible terms now he is on the school board he gets about $69,000 for income. He got the dreaded stare a lot when he was younger but now he is usually giving the stare now.

Discription: Cloud blue eyes, 6.4, 134 for weight, short brown hair, tan usually wearing a t-shirt and shorts. athetic

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