Great so, I've seen a recent outbreak of zombie stories here on ArmorGames, and i've been reading some lately, and i think i'd like to try one of my own.
The whole roles cast thing? I'm going to need people for this and characters. I'll only accept a few, and will tell you when the cut-off is.
To be in this, im going to need the following data
Name: (needs to be a full, realistic name.) Age: (anything goes here) Job: (anything from McDonalds, to Military. no "special ops super elite commando sniper" jobs accepted. Military makes you a seargeant or a private. please, we do need some normal people in this ) History: (Be as in depth as possible and try to be creative. A paragraph or two will do.) Personality: (remember, were talking real life here. so no "im mr super strong corageous brave who can bench press 500 lbs and fears nothing." Use your own if you have to, pick out thebest flaws, and the perfections.) Anything else?: (name it here!) Do you mind dieing?: (in the story that is!)
after filling this out, just post it to here. not only will you be a member of the story, but i will be asking you from time to time such as, "what you would do in this situation", or "what do you think of this?" Things like that and everythign to do with the story. input is welcome, and i need characters!
well, heres what i thinks. I persoannly think Xavier should die midway through the story. Even if your lucky in the begginging of a zombie apocolypse, lets face it, you probably wont live. maybe have the main character switch midway through the story? and more emotion.I like how you describe exactly what is happening, but maybe put more effort into how they feel. instead of "everything went black or whatever." maybe, "Joshur fell in one fluid motion. He was dizzy and exhausted. He could see darkness coming and suddenly a safe black cloud enveloped him completely. All was dark for joshur" thats just what i think.
Well in certain types of zombie movies Xavier's character would live, and in other types of zombie movies Xavier's character would live. It also depends on the personality, intelligence, and strength of the character which makes a huge role. I can add up Xaviers chances of survival then I will tell you if he would live or not. But first is this a hardcore zombie movie, a casual zombie movie, or a comedy?
lol nowhere near a comedy, im thinking more hardcore, nothing unrealistic. But maybe Xavier is the outlier 11 yr old who's be lucky enough to live.
And Joshzur isnt necessarily dead,
and i dont see it as a very "mary sue" character. I would prefer there to be some sort of gunslinger style person in my story, and he fits. I can understand how he might seem tooooo perfect, but ever hear of blackwater corp?
Name: Lukas H. Grimme (pronounced grim) Age: 35 Job: Military Commander/Story Writer History: Born in higher-middle-class family, raised strictly. Father was involved heavily in military-was commander of spec. ops. team in WWII. Always wanted to be like his father, he idolized him. His life went as usal, rebellious teenage years, refined, intellectual 20s. Was homeschooled, graduated at 15. Went immediatley to college where he studied to become lawyer, halfway through semester, quit and switched to working towards a masters' in strategy. Continued on to take combat course, learned ju-jitsu for fun, also karate. Finished school, went on to get miiltary job, and so on. Personality Cons: Very weak when it comes to sex, has trouble with relationships. Has a blind, furious rage that cannot be tamed, if he is goaded, prodded, attacked eccesively, he "blacks out", and will stop at nothing to destroy what has angered him. He is somewhat sarcastic, especially when tired. Personality Pros: He is a health-nut (not a flabby sluggard), and exercises daily. He is easy to get along with, and will follow commands if he agrees with them. Anything Else: Christian, God can make miracles. Intensely dark sense of humor, but can also laugh at almost anything. Do you mind Dieing: Yes. He can not die. If he does, he will save everyone else in an epic attempt at heroism. No suicides, he'd go to Hades. He is an amazing fighter. Hieght:6'7 Eye Color: Light blue. Hair: Jet-black, straight, cut short. (No getting snagged and killed!) Clothing: Usually casual, jeans, t-shirt. Has military equipment and fatiuges.
Oh, grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr....... Sorry, I only read the first page.... Not used to forum threads. If possible, please use him, it took a lot of time to come up with the bio. Cya :P
Michael Coal sweeps his long laboratory coat behind him as he strides down the hallway swiftly. Click, Click Click, His black professional shoes make hollow noises on the linoleum floor as he passes barred rooms in the NewYork neurological chemical and hormone testing facility. âWarning, This is not a drill, all medical personal are required to report to the head office and all guards to the testing chambers.â Speakers from the wall blare out to him. Michael has no idea what is wrong, he has been interrupted from his work for a load of s**t he thinks. Other doctors file from some lab station to walk with him as they all head for the main office. Michael feels a hand on his shoulder. âDoctor Coal?â A voice spoke. âYes, what do you want?â Coal responds. He turns to see who is speaking to him. Scott Taylor, a man who he vaguely knew that worked in the psychiatrist wing is speaking to him. âDo you know whatâs wrong?â Scott asks him. âAll the warning sirens just came on and now weâre all going to the head officeâ¦â âDo you really expect me to know?â Michael says to Scott abruptly. âNoâ¦â Say Scott shocked at the rudeness of the doctor. âThen donât bother me when were in an emergency.â Michael tells him with sarcastic emphasis on the last word. Scott says nothing more after that. Michael checks his Rolex watch and looks up as he hears a commotion coming down the hallway. Everybody presses up against the side of the narrow halls as a team of two facility guards and three doctors comes rushing down the hall with a gurney. They are all heading to the medical area at the end of the hallway. On the gurney is a man in a white doctorâs suit, similar to Michaelâs and Scottâs. The only difference between them and the man is that he is dead, and covered in blood, bite marks, and scratches. âOut of the way we got a bite!â One of the guards yells flashing his gun. They rush down the clear hallway. Michael watches as they fly by, and he swears he sees the man move. Just a twitch, a shiver, but it moves, heâs sure. Before the quintet reaches the end of the hallway, the man on the gurney sits up. One of the doctors yells as he lets go of the gurney, and the other two doctors yank it to a stop. âDoctor Lickard?â One of the orderlies asks the upright man. The newly pronounced Dr. Lickard says nothing as he reaches out, and grabs the man by the arm. The man jerks his arm away but it is in a vise grip. The orderly screams as he tries to struggle away from the bloody moving corpse, because now it is plain to see that itâs a corpse. Nothing can live with a windpipe bitten to shreds like Dr. Lickardâs. The corpse pulls the screaming doctor closer to the gurney, and rips into his shoulder in one fluid movement. The man screams as a guard takes aim with a small sub-machinegun, and sends bullets ripping into the gurney. As one strikes the body in the head, it groans and lets go of the man its feeding on. The body falls back limply. By now, the entire corridor has turned to watch the spectacle. The bitten orderly holds his useless arm close to his side. âOh my god, am I going to end up like that?â he yells to nobody in particular. âThe guard only nods as he points the remaining ammo in the gun at him. âNo, please thereâs got to be a cure I know I wonât turn into that, please I have three kids.â He screams as the bullets pierce his chest sending him sprawling backwards. Some woman close to them screams as she is sprayed with blood from the dead man. The sirens pull everybody back to reality as the guard yells for the two doctors to go with the rest and head to the central office. The guards rush to the end of the hall, and head in the testing chamber direction. Everybody is now running towards the main office, rushing to find out what is going on after seeing the spectacle outside. Reaching the main office, Scott Taylor is worried. After taking off in the rush he hasnât seen Michael. Sure, Michael isnât a friend he knows, just somebody to stay with for safety. As all the doctorsâ rush into the gigantic football-field sized office that is full of computers, Scott sees Michael. Walking over to him, all he gets is a grunt of recognition as Michael turns to watch a man who is trying to get everybodyâs attention. Standing atop a chair, the man is small and bald with glasses, probably in his mid-forties. âListen, everybody, please!â He yells over the crowd. The group of panicked doctorsâ turns to watch him as his voice barely carries to the edges of the room. âThereâs been a problem in our testing lab, and I assure you the guards have it under control.â âI heard gunfire coming from there!â Somebody in the crowd yells. âYeah, whatâs going on in there? Another yells from the back. The entire crowd starts to yell as Michael smiles. âIgnorant people.â Is all he mutters under his breath to Scott. âAs I said, the guards have everything under control!â The man yells over the crowdâs dissent. âSome chemical testing went wrong and some test subjectâs bodies are reacting differently then we thought. âIâm out of here, Iâm not staying somewhere where thereâs gunfire going around!â The same man from the back yells as he makes his way through to the door. The man in the chair snaps his fingers and a small group of facility guards runs over and blocks the door with their weapons. âNobody will be leaving, we donât need anybody getting involved in this besides us!â The director yells from atop his chair. âI just saw a man die outside, what will his family say? How can we explain that? He said he had three kids you know!â Scott speaks up. âThe manâs family will be notified and due compensation will be made to the widowâ¦â the director mused. Suddenly Michael speaks up. âMaybe a bit of compensation for our trauma with this situation is necessaryâ¦â he leaves those words hanging in the air like acid. The director speaks, âPardon me?â âYou heard me,â Michael says. âI personally may have to speak to some sort of media, just to let them know what happened with that man because Iâm so traumatizedâ¦â Many other voices across the room speak up, rallying to Michaelâs call. Alright fine, Michael you will speak as director of this, follow me.â He says leading them into a conference room off the side so they can discuss, âpaymentâ. âWhat is wrong with these people?â Scott thinks. âA man just died, and these doctors who make up to $300,000 a year are looking to get money out of deaths going on?â Scott sighs, thereâs not much to do I the main office but wait until Michael and the director are finished.