ForumsArt, Music, and WritingWhen Hell Has No Room, the Dead Will Walk On Earth.

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715 posts

Great so, I've seen a recent outbreak of zombie stories here on ArmorGames, and i've been reading some lately, and i think i'd like to try one of my own.

The whole roles cast thing? I'm going to need people for this and characters. I'll only accept a few, and will tell you when the cut-off is.

To be in this, im going to need the following data

Name: (needs to be a full, realistic name.)
Age: (anything goes here)
Job: (anything from McDonalds, to Military. no "special ops super elite commando sniper" jobs accepted. Military makes you a seargeant or a private. please, we do need some normal people in this )
History: (Be as in depth as possible and try to be creative. A paragraph or two will do.)
Personality: (remember, were talking real life here. so no "im mr super strong corageous brave who can bench press 500 lbs and fears nothing." Use your own if you have to, pick out thebest flaws, and the perfections.)
Anything else?: (name it here!)
Do you mind dieing?: (in the story that is!)

after filling this out, just post it to here. not only will you be a member of the story, but i will be asking you from time to time such as, "what you would do in this situation", or "what do you think of this?" Things like that and everythign to do with the story. input is welcome, and i need characters!

Lets go get some zeds!

  • 85 Replies
715 posts

where the hell would he get a bow and arroW!?!?!?
hes 11!?!?!?!
hes at a karate place!?!?
hes not my only character?!!?
i havent even gotten to some of the others yet?!?!

153 posts

well, tons of 11 and under, have bows and arrows. camping? T.T

810 posts

Okay Limebreaker, we are not going to have a 11 year old commando with a rocket launcher and a machine gun. Youth work extremely well in thriller/horror type stories in various ways, have you seen Halloween 4 and 5? The main character was a girl aged 10-12 and she did a fantastic job running away from Michael Myers, trying to get out of the houses. Of course Xavier will find small weapons that could save his life, but he is not going to be a military sergeant lol.

26,390 posts

Maybe he could have like a pocketknife, or one of those bigger Leathermans, you know the kind. Kinda like a butterfly knife.

well, tons of 11 and under, have bows and arrows. camping? T.T

Yeah...but the arrows for 11< end in suction cups or plastic tips.
153 posts

why would you have a 11 year old commando with a rocket launcher. O.o.....if yes, dial 1. if no, dial 2..................1?......ok... expect an New york covered with flames. eh. i'll think about a pocket knife.

715 posts

there will be no rocket launchers given to 11 yr old....
he would most likely hold it the wrong way lol
now, to get down to some short writing of the two doctors...
This is going to be what im working on next. After the outbreak is out of hand and the city starts infection, thats when ill come to the others.

Michael entered the small room with the director, Mr. Davenroy. "I'm glad you see this in the same light I do." Michael said. Mr. Davenroy lookes around and doesn't respond to the sarcastic comment. "Michael really, what're you doing?" he says as they both sit. " Thats Dr. Coal to you" Michael says with a smirk. "Dr. Coal..." says Davenroy. "We just discovered a new sedative to control thought, and it appears to be infectuous, and people are dieing, can't we forget all of this and help the guards and patients? "Michael silently reached into his front pocket, and took out a multitude of blank checks then handed them to Mr. Davenroy. "You have a lot of Doctors out there, and a lot of money in company funds, maybe you should start writing now so we can help the patients sooner." Mr Davenroy sighed as he started signing. There was at least a hundred doctors out there.

Outside the conference room, Scott nervously waited in the crowded space. He had always felt a little claustrophobic, and now in a cramped computer room waiting in a gigantic chemical testing facility, there wasn't much to do besides think and look at his small confines. He felt nervous, he couldn't breath. He was having trouble moving, his legs were frozen. Scott tripped his way over to the door and pulled it open.
"Hey, don't go far, the guards don't want anybody out there right now and Davenroy's coming out with the checks soon." Somebody yelled after him as he left.
Scott slammed the door behind him and caught a breath. In, out. In, out. Slowly, his heart and breathing rates returned to normal. Looking down the long hallway, in the direction he had come, Scott noticed that nothing was moving. Bump. a noise caught his attention from a nearby lab room. Bump.The noise sounded again. Scott knows he should probably go back, but he finds himself thinking, "What if somebody's trapped in there?"
Scott walks down the white hallway and looks at the door. It's locked from the outside. Now that he's farther down the hall, he can hear faint gunfire coming from the far section of the facility. "What the hell is going on down there?" he thinks as he puts his hand on the cold steel doorknob. The handle easily clicks and slides the lock open as he pushes down. Scott opens the door a crack. "Hello?" he slowly calls into the room. "uhhhhh...." a moan sounds from the lab. "hello.... Are you hurt?" Scott says opening the door halfway to catch a glimpse of what's inside.
He looks inside and two pupiless eyes stare back at him. He screams as a hand shoots through the door and grabs his shirt. Nobody hears the scream as he is pulled towards the doorway and the dark lab inside.

thats all i got for now, good luck to all of you, time for me to get to karate practice!

995 posts

May I please apply? I mean, it is late...

718 posts

really good on all of them (sorry i wasnt posting i wasnt on for awhile)

217 posts

hrrm, im sorry, i haven't much time, but have you used my character?

Showing 76-84 of 85