Great so, I've seen a recent outbreak of zombie stories here on ArmorGames, and i've been reading some lately, and i think i'd like to try one of my own.
The whole roles cast thing? I'm going to need people for this and characters. I'll only accept a few, and will tell you when the cut-off is.
To be in this, im going to need the following data
Name: (needs to be a full, realistic name.) Age: (anything goes here) Job: (anything from McDonalds, to Military. no "special ops super elite commando sniper" jobs accepted. Military makes you a seargeant or a private. please, we do need some normal people in this ) History: (Be as in depth as possible and try to be creative. A paragraph or two will do.) Personality: (remember, were talking real life here. so no "im mr super strong corageous brave who can bench press 500 lbs and fears nothing." Use your own if you have to, pick out thebest flaws, and the perfections.) Anything else?: (name it here!) Do you mind dieing?: (in the story that is!)
after filling this out, just post it to here. not only will you be a member of the story, but i will be asking you from time to time such as, "what you would do in this situation", or "what do you think of this?" Things like that and everythign to do with the story. input is welcome, and i need characters!
allright ive begun my writing ill try to get it done today, and yes, girls are welcome and if possible i'd like one more TRUE military personal, no more other jobs. sorry.
Name: Lien Waiver Age: she is around age 18-20 Bio:Lien Waiver is a hard working business woman working on the 17th floor of the Praston Town Business association. She was raised not to let people step on you and to stand up for yourself. She has had a troubling past that has added many things to her personality but her main attribute is her people skills. Description: Lien Waiver is a young lady with long dirt blonde hair, she has dark green eyes, is wearing a light green tank top and is wearing a blue bra, and some worn out purple denim jeans.
There is also her profession look were she wears a high waist skirt (just google high waist skirt if you dont know how it looks) and a proffesional top.
And there is also her fancy look where she wears a red satin dress.
She survived in the zombie script and is a extremely brave person, this character is my legacy, this character is me.
this is aliengirls character.
limebreaker im going to ask you to refrain from needless comments for armorpoints, thanks alot.
Name: Alex Zhang Age: 15 Job: Programmer, parkourist. History: Alex's family was an average family. His parents were very smart people and they wanted him to be a computer engineer. He did that and he goes freerunning with his friends sometimes etc. One day he came across a man that would teach him parkour. So he followed the man's instructions. Now he is a great parkourist. Personality: Smart, able to analyze something quickly, strong legs and arms, very agile, very quiet. Anything else?: He can play basketball, he likes to wear black, he has long hair, and he carries a sword with him at all times (don't ask). Do you mind dieing?: Yes.