Welcome to World War 2; it's very simple, so listen up. I'm not going to change history or anything, so when they win they win and when they don't they don't! I'll be using your char in the story so fill the below sheet out if you're interested. The more detailed the better!
Name: Age: Country: Physical Description: Personality: Biography: Skills: Bad At: What Would You Like Me To Do With Your Character: Other:
Sirnoob, yes, you are already in this. Enjoy everyone.
Name:Ferdinand Shultz Age:18 Country:Germany Physical Description:tall scrawny man with wiry black hair and cold brown eyes, though doesn't like to stand tall he usually slouches with his stance Personality:cold,dark, doesn't matter who you are but when anything electronic or mechanical is mentioned his mood lightens extremely Biography:grew up a small German boy with a Jewish family (adopted) he didn't know what happened to his parents the night they left but all he knew was they will never be back he left his home to become a street urchin begging and stealing was caught once for a major offense at 16 and had the choice of jail or the army he chose the army trained as an engineer for 2 years and joined the front lines in Africa Skills:anything mechanical or electronic,driving Bad At:leadership,making tough decisions under pressure What Would You Like Me To Do With Your Character: Cpl. on the front lines of Africa preferably live if he has to die take as many as them with him! (i.e. driving a half track full of explosives into the enemy lines Other:has a custom p 38 Luger with ivory handle,loves the mess hall food,loves the heat of the desert,doesn't matter who he kills but would rather shoot an american soldier than a British one for his faint respect of the Brits
me too locoace. but i'll try again. Name:Xaivier Age:18 Country: was born in Florida. But his parents were far dead.He was adopted. Physical Description: He is strong, and such, but he doe'snt care about that stuff. Personality: Strong, loyal, and Stands for others. Biography: one time when he was 5, he got shot into the arm, and had to live through his whole live being lonely, and never accompolished anything in life. That's why he wants to join. To complete his life. Skills: A good 5 star pilot, but sometime's his left arm twiches because he got shot. Bad At: doing two hand jobs, but he can control a plane with one hand. What Would You Like Me To Do With Your Character: plz make him a hero. Other: he has blizzard blue eyes, mud brown hair, and does'nt care what he wears. am I in?
Excellent Orion, you've made it in! As for the rest of you...not so much.
I would suggest making your OP more specific, paying special attention to the do's and dont's of the characters you're expecting. If you don't make it clear in your OP that this is a story you're writing and that there are limitations in each field of the char sheet (i.e. age range), this may as well be a game in the FG forum.
I would suggest making your OP more specific, paying special attention to the do's and dont's of the characters you're expecting. If you don't make it clear in your OP that this is a story you're writing and that there are limitations in each field of the char sheet (i.e. age range), this may as well be a game in the FG forum.
Indeed...the only reason I didn't explain was (1) I was a bit rushed, and (2) I thought that "no 11 year olds in World War 2" and "no 'I'm a super mega commando with no flaws!'" would not need to be said. I mean, seriously...
Learn from mistakes, always make things crystal clear for the dimwits out there who just want to have their own character to be a hero in a story that they don't have to actively take part in. I don't think half of them even know what a mary sue is :/
Well, in 7 years he's 18, and 18 year olds could join. HAPPY!?!? -u-
Temperamental much? 7 years is quite a long time, though. The minimum age for enlistment is 17. Accepting children into the military is an awful thing.
Learn from mistakes, always make things crystal clear for the dimwits out there who just want to have their own character to be a hero in a story that they don't have to actively take part in. I don't think half of them even know what a mary sue is :/
At least Stephanie Meyer had the decency to write her own Mary-Sue-littered story... But yeah.