Welcome to World War 2; it's very simple, so listen up. I'm not going to change history or anything, so when they win they win and when they don't they don't! I'll be using your char in the story so fill the below sheet out if you're interested. The more detailed the better!
Name: Age: Country: Physical Description: Personality: Biography: Skills: Bad At: What Would You Like Me To Do With Your Character: Other:
Sirnoob, yes, you are already in this. Enjoy everyone.
Name: Lt. Peter Wlodarczyk Age: 20 Country: Polish Physical Description: Tall, very well built, no facial hair. Dark brown head hair. Personality: Likes to laugh loves fighting, very tactical Biography:born in cracow. Fought in the defence of poland. Escaped from a camp after the start of the war. JOined the british ari force took part in the battle of britain in the no. 308 polish air squadron. Skills: Infantry, also trainer in the air forces, can fly. Bazooka macjine gun, sniper rif;e Bad At: Navy, pistol, rifle, sub machine, What Would You Like Me To Do With Your Character: As explained in bio Other:none
Name: Lt. Peter Wlodarczyk Age: 20 Country: Polish Physical Description: Tall, very well built, no facial hair. Dark brown head hair. Personality: Likes to laugh loves fighting, very tactical Biography:born in cracow. Fought in the defence of poland. Escaped from a camp after the start of the war. JOined the british ari force took part in the battle of britain in the no. 308 polish air squadron. Skills: Infantry, also trainer in the air forces, can fly. Bazooka macjine gun, sniper rif;e Bad At: Navy, pistol, rifle, sub machine, What Would You Like Me To Do With Your Character: As explained in bio Other:none
Hyper, you should just keep the ranks as they are. Its your story.. They're all just gonna ask for promotions to be the most important character. I'm fine with lef-tenant btw
To: Hypermenstra, Jess can be a double agent as WWII was all about spying and espionage, all of the cool stuff. Locoace says joining is closed but I would like to submit, if there's still time?
Name: Jillian Elizabeth McWilliams Age: 25 Country: USA Physical Description: 5'7", slim, long auburn brown, usually worn in a braided bun, hazel (green-brown) eyes with dark brunette lashes and brows. Personality: Professional but warm to subordinates and associates. Keeps humor in the office and never off-color. Biography: The youngest of four children to Katherine and Lawrence McWilliams. As a child during the Great Depression, she had to move with parents many times through 5 different states from Kansas to California before her father could find steady work as a carpenter. Older siblings all joined different branches of US military. Skills: She learned carpentry by age 10 and was swinging a hammer like the men by age 14. She learned to drive a tractor and by age 15 could drive just about any vehicle with wheels. She reads, writes and speaks both German and Russian and is learning Italian. Has worked for CIA for the past 4 years after graduating from Duke University, majoring in history and humanities. Has been a double spy for 15 months, current whereabouts are Eyes-Only, Top Secret and known only to the director. Bad at: relationships with men, 2 failed marriages, no children. What Would You Like Me To Do With Your Character: I give you complete freedom to turn me into an enemy spy for the Russians, Italians, even the Germans. I don't have to be a heroine. Other: has a knack for breaking codes.
Name: Lt. Peter Wlodarczyk Age: 20 Country: Polish Physical Description: Tall, very well built, no facial hair. Dark brown head hair. Personality: Likes to laugh loves fighting, very tactical Biography:born in cracow. Fought in the defence of poland. Escaped from a camp after the start of the war. JOined the british ari force took part in the battle of britain in the no. 308 polish air squadron. Skills: Infantry, also trainer in the air forces, can fly. Bazooka macjine gun, sniper rif;e Bad At: Navy, pistol, rifle, sub machine, What Would You Like Me To Do With Your Character: As explained in bio Other:none
Sorry, submissions closed.
Name: Jillian Elizabeth McWilliams Age: 25 Country: USA Physical Description: 5'7", slim, long auburn brown, usually worn in a braided bun, hazel (green-brown) eyes with dark brunette lashes and brows. Personality: Professional but warm to subordinates and associates. Keeps humor in the office and never off-color. Biography: The youngest of four children to Katherine and Lawrence McWilliams. As a child during the Great Depression, she had to move with parents many times through 5 different states from Kansas to California before her father could find steady work as a carpenter. Older siblings all joined different branches of US military. Skills: She learned carpentry by age 10 and was swinging a hammer like the men by age 14. She learned to drive a tractor and by age 15 could drive just about any vehicle with wheels. She reads, writes and speaks both German and Russian and is learning Italian. Has worked for CIA for the past 4 years after graduating from Duke University, majoring in history and humanities. Has been a double spy for 15 months, current whereabouts are Eyes-Only, Top Secret and known only to the director. Bad at: relationships with men, 2 failed marriages, no children. What Would You Like Me To Do With Your Character: I give you complete freedom to turn me into an enemy spy for the Russians, Italians, even the Germans. I don't have to be a heroine. Other: has a knack for breaking codes.
Locoace says joining is closed but I would like to submit, if there's still time?
Submissions were closed last night, and no, you can't join. Also; a spy that's bad at seducing men? 0.o
Hyper, you should just keep the ranks as they are. Its your story.. They're all just gonna ask for promotions to be the most important character. I'm fine with lef-tenant btw
Ranks won't matter. Wait...that would be really fun(ny)...I just had the meanest idea in the history of the world. I'm going through with it, too. Oh yes. @Brian266: Your character's in the story.
Ranks won't matter. Wait...that would be really fun(ny)...I just had the meanest idea in the history of the world. I'm going through with it, too. Oh yes. @Brian266: Your character's in the story.