Welcome to World War 2; it's very simple, so listen up. I'm not going to change history or anything, so when they win they win and when they don't they don't! I'll be using your char in the story so fill the below sheet out if you're interested. The more detailed the better!
Name: Age: Country: Physical Description: Personality: Biography: Skills: Bad At: What Would You Like Me To Do With Your Character: Other:
Sirnoob, yes, you are already in this. Enjoy everyone.
And Loco, just think of really unusual and historically-inclined backgrounds for your characters. Think of where they grew up and what was happening at the time. That often influences the person they become. It'll probably help!
but i already submitted mine WAHHHHHHH *runs away*
Name: Wesley swanson Age: 19 Country: America Physical Description: Tall, slim, strong, Dirty blond, Dark brown eyes, long eyelashes Personality: Smart and strategic, Loves the art of war Biography: Grew up in south cal but ended up joining the marines right after highschool. Has been locked on becomeing a marine grunt ever since joining. Skills: Strategy, weapon experience Bad At: driveing and swimming What Would You Like Me To Do With Your Character: I prefer to be a sniper or rifleman that lives for his squad brothers in life or death. Meybe i could be the riechstag mission with the Red army. Other: I know every rank in marines and in officers. I know a great deal about WW2. (its one of my hobbies)
Resubmissions are fine. In fact, haven't you already done a resubmission? xP
Lol. C:
*fidgets* I really love this. Is it okay if I submit an application for a Singaporean nurse? Singapore was a British colony during the war. They tried to hold out against the Japanese, but failed. ): If not Singaporean, then...I dunno...American?
I'm not quite sure where the setting will be taking place. And just be sure to let me know if I should shut it. I'm just enthusiastic and a bit of a WWII history fan.
Name: Joshur Heidenreich Age: 29 Country: Father Germany Physical Description: tall standing at 6'0 he has a huge scar running down his left eye from a knife wound early in his career, his hair is a buzzcut, Average legs, average to scrawny arms Personality: Brutal and intelligent, he is a hard man to get to know, but if you do get to know him as a friend, you'' find he is loyal, funny, and an all around good guy. Biography: Born into the Heidenreich farming family of Germany, young Joshur has always had a fascination with the military having been fully read on military strategies and tactics, his father was very abusive to both his mother, him, and his brother Andy, to escape Joshur and Andy ran off to a nearby government building in the next town over, Skills: since then he was raised by a foster family who were Nazis, both he and Andy began training in the arts of hand to hand ocmbat, Joshur had originaly planned to be a boxer, but instead decided to enlist in the military. (ask if you want a more detailed one.) Bad At: Holding breath, meeting new people, and running for extended periods of time. What Would You Like Me To Do With Your Character: I'd totaly like to live, but I wouldn't mind if I died a few chapters in, as long as it was an epic death :P Other: yerr.....he wears his old mother's necklace as a reminder of his past.
thats why i I DON'T to do it a third time WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Do it as many times as you feel you need to.
I really love this. Is it okay if I submit an application for a Singaporean nurse? Singapore was a British colony during the war. They tried to hold out against the Japanese, but failed. ): If not Singaporean, then...I dunno...American?
*bites lip* I dunno...would it be fair to the other players? I'll ask. @All: Hey, are ya'll okay if Aster submits multiple characters into the story?
Jozhur, that looks great. Alright, uhm, with the exception of the still-pending Asterantha thing and any resubmissions, no more submissions. I think that's sufficient for the story, I should be started tomorrow.
Why? It doesnt have to be like a sentence for every descryption does it?
The longer the better, and I can't accept everyone.
Name:Ferdinand Shultz Age:18 Country:Germany Physical Description:tall scrawny man with wiry black hair and cold brown eyes, though doesn't like to stand tall he usually slouches with his stance and sitting,slightly baggy eyes from sleep deprivation,but in battle eyes light up with fire and has one of the most commanding voices Personality:cold,dark, doesn't matter who you are but when anything electronic or mechanical is mentioned his mood lightens extremely,he is respected but also not generally liked by few with the personality Biography:grew up a small German boy with a Jewish family (adopted) he didn't know what happened to his parents the night they left but all he knew was they will never be back he left his home to become a street urchin begging and stealing was caught once for a major offense at 16 and had the choice of jail or the army he chose the army trained as an engineer for 2 years and joined the front lines in Africa under a extremely nice sergeant who felt sympathy for the Jews and made friends with him Skills:anything mechanical or electronic,driving Bad At:leadership,making tough decisions under pressure What Would You Like Me To Do With Your Character: Cpl. on the front lines of Africa preferably live if he has to die take as many as them with him! (i.e. driving a half track full of explosives into the enemy lines Other:has a custom p 38 Luger with ivory handle,loves the mess hall food,loves the heat of the desert,doesn't matter who he kills but would rather shoot an american soldier than a British one for his faint respect of the Brits
i couldn't think of much more so i added a little to my biography,desription and personality
Will this story be posted like a serial, or all at once? Or whenever you feel like it, haha?
I'll post it in chapters like a journal. And it'll be like a rotating cycle so you'll have to wait! And as for the time thing? Well obviously I won't be able to properly write with a deadline so yeah, pretty much whenever. xP
me neither but i hope I'm in it
I think you got in.
Alright, everyone, submissions are CLOSED. Here are the characters who made it in.
Ltc. Orion Stellus[EnterOrion] Pvt. Matthew Elijah Cartwright[XSilentPhantomX] Lt. Ashe Cassidy[Jess] Sgt. Tolenka Alexandrevich Kuznetsov[Asterantha] Pvt. Joshur Heidenreich[Jozhur] Pfc. Ferdinand Shulz
All right, that's it. Congratulations to all who made the cut. Also; some of you did not post your rank, so I had to guess based on your description; if you have an objection with your rank, speak now or forever hold your peace(just kidding, you can request a promotion/demotion via my profile). If you want to change your character after tonight, contact me on my profile as I am probably going to get this thread locked. I am going to start writing, probably sometime tomorrow.