Welcome to World War 2; it's very simple, so listen up. I'm not going to change history or anything, so when they win they win and when they don't they don't! I'll be using your char in the story so fill the below sheet out if you're interested. The more detailed the better!
Name: Age: Country: Physical Description: Personality: Biography: Skills: Bad At: What Would You Like Me To Do With Your Character: Other:
Sirnoob, yes, you are already in this. Enjoy everyone.
I would request that you refrain from spamming in this thread. Besides, what do you expect anyone else to say? There's not really much more conversation to be had 'till someone else applies.
Name: Matthew Elijah Cartright Age: 26 Country: Britain Physical Description: 6'2 and very lean, doesn't have much muscle or fat mass to him. 140 lbs. Wears standard british army clothing. when in civilian clothes, grey blazer with white undershirt. Black courdory pants and black pennyloafers. Personality: A young uppity man with a habit for smart aleckyness. Intellectual, and occassionally manipulative he tries to avoid most violent situations. Biography: Son of a rich man that owns one of the biggest oil companies in Britain, he was caught doing "illegal acts" and given a choice, prison or the army that desperately needed men under the constant bombardment of the germans. He chose the army, and now regrets it due to the things he has seen. Skills: manipulating and smooth talking. Bad At: Hard strenuous drawn out work. What Would You Like Me To Do With Your Character: i have no plans for him, sorry Other: idc
Well I said it to see if anyone was here. -.- (duh look)lolz
Of course I realized that. But spam is spam, and it was a stupid post to begin with. Why do you even need to know if anyone was here? You don't. You could have just waited for someone to post or done something else. It's not the kind of thread where people post every five seconds. Seriously. It doesn't matter if anyone is here, if someone posts here then they will be replied to and until that time this thread is inactive... And seriously though, why does it even matter if anyone is here? That's seriously annoying. I'm sorry, but it really is.