Welcome to World War 2; it's very simple, so listen up. I'm not going to change history or anything, so when they win they win and when they don't they don't! I'll be using your char in the story so fill the below sheet out if you're interested. The more detailed the better!
Name: Age: Country: Physical Description: Personality: Biography: Skills: Bad At: What Would You Like Me To Do With Your Character: Other:
Sirnoob, yes, you are already in this. Enjoy everyone.
Name: Matthew Elijah Cartright Age: 26 Country: Britain Physical Description: 6'2 and very lean, doesn't have much muscle or fat mass to him. 140 lbs. Wears standard british army clothing. when in civilian clothes, grey blazer with white undershirt. Black courdory pants and black pennyloafers. Personality: A young uppity man with a habit for smart aleckyness. Intellectual, and occassionally manipulative he tries to avoid most violent situations. Biography: Son of a rich man that owns one of the biggest oil companies in Britain, he was a deceiving charmer whom his father grew sick of, and was put into the army rather then college before the war. Now the army that desperately needs men under the constant bombardment of the germans won't relinquish his term of enrollment. He is in the army life, and now truly regrets his wily acts he performed at home with his fathers money Skills: manipulating and smooth talking. Bad At: Hard strenuous drawn out work. What Would You Like Me To Do With Your Character: i have no plans for him, sorry Other: idc
YES I MADE IT!!!!!!!!
ty hyper ^_^
history revised, sorry for the first try hope this is better.
Well see the Waffen-SS actually used police ranks. Keep in mind that the SS were never actually part of the Herr, they were under the direct control of Adolf Hitler. So you can either be a general or you can be in the Waffen-SS. Pick.
Hm yeah Sirnoob ya mind resubmitting your char here? It's a bit rough around the edges and besides I don't feel like digging up the old thread just to find that char.
Name: Peter Bolotnik Age:15 Country: Russia Position: Soldier ( Private first class) Physical Description: blond hair, blue eyes, good build, quite thin. also has a large vertical scar down back from a knife. Personality: Quiet, Sociopathic, Vengeful Biography:Raised in the rough streets of Petrograd( now stalingrad), Peter got by through stealing and robbing. His mother and father died at a young age, and he tends to consciously ignore that and try not to talk about it. The details are still unknown, but he sometimes has nightmares/ flashbacks about their death. Later he was arrested for breaking into a house and sent into the Red Army. Skills: Running, pistols. both of these are mainly due to his life of theft and killing on the streets to get by, and he doesn't regret it a bit, as it was either kill+steal or he died himself, a lone, poor orphan, forgotten to everyone but the freezing winter. Bad At: socializing. a life in the streets doesn't give you that many social skills, and after losing his parents he became quite sociopathic anyway. Also very bad at holding his tongue when told not to, especially when the topic of rich people or Stalin comes up. Items: Mosin-Nagant, knife, rations, fur hat, standard-issue coat What Would You Like Me To Do With Your Character: Fight. with flashbacks at crucial moments that threaten life >.>. more of a suggestion, i really don't mind at all. Other: what to put here???