We need more art, so another remake of my art thread. Nope, nothing more to say.
You know the paint-thread No paint no gain? I saw it, thought "Hey, I wanna try something like that again." and opened paint. Now, the OP states that it should be crappy 5-minutes paintings. Let's just say I ended up using just a wee bit more time than that.
I think I managed to get impatient, lazy and uninspired five times making this, and then I had to colour it too. And background is craptastic, because his hair is just a tiny bit annoying to try and colour in between, and I generally don't have patience for background. Perhaps another time.
Also, as seen in Strop's thread: For whatever reason. Like... The background.
Deadpan Snarker used American Sign Language. It is super effective. Rockstar Ninja is now confused.
*WAT.* Strop on: this page, just a few posts above.
Now, I know you are an amazing artist but...wow...Such results with MsPaint; I'm astounded. I can't manage to draw a sushi on paint, let alone Strip or any kind concrete figure. I guess I'd have to be a ninja to be able to draw ninjas of course...Makes sense.
Also, yes, I do believe she would be the marshmallow-dress type of girl, if she ever decides she wants to get married. Other than that we have WoM-related makeover (oh no, no bang of pink hair and hair being dyed darker and kinda red-er), bookcensor of nudity, kitty-Sai is feeling hot, Sai is sad because of the WoM, and Sai-the-marshmallow.
-- Sketchbah. Minideer and miniminideer are unamused.
I have no patience.
The legs are really thin. Also, Kai is not agreeing with Cen's face, obviously.
And let me introduce your to Paint. Paint is a kitten, obviously, which are really hard critters to draw. I am currently considering whether or not I like her... it... enough to screw myself over a bit.
I can't really think of another reason why I wouldn't like it.
In the new MS Paint you can no longer make the brush size any size you want, you are limited to a few sizes ("ctrl +" shortcut doesn't work like in th eold paint). Unless I missed something.
Anyway, Lucia day/happy 13th of December. This will make a lot more sense if you know the custom, but instead, let's just conclude that Cen looks very girly, and Sai has a non-consent-sex-face. Oh, and Kai.
I can't believe you assume I was trying to make it look good. Had I actually worked on it properly, and not just used it as a bit of practice in Paint, then I would have saved it as a png like the rest of the Paint doodles in this thread. Or a gif, perhaps. But I guess I should not show you guys what I have been working with and discarded, and then just saved it for the lulz, when it is this badly received.
So goes with the rest of the art, considering that not only out of all the general art, but also out of the other msPaint art, THAT is what you comment on, and doing so not through a critique, but rather scolding me for choosing the easiest path out of something that was generally crap in the first place.
Look, Gantic, I'm emo again. Better lock this before I make some art that isn't bloody crap.