We need more art, so another remake of my art thread. Nope, nothing more to say.
You know the paint-thread No paint no gain? I saw it, thought "Hey, I wanna try something like that again." and opened paint. Now, the OP states that it should be crappy 5-minutes paintings. Let's just say I ended up using just a wee bit more time than that.
I think I managed to get impatient, lazy and uninspired five times making this, and then I had to colour it too. And background is craptastic, because his hair is just a tiny bit annoying to try and colour in between, and I generally don't have patience for background. Perhaps another time.
Also, as seen in Strop's thread: For whatever reason. Like... The background.
@Reton: I have the same trouble... Well, I had the same trouble when we had to analyse texts back in high school. It's all "Well, then this means this, and that means something else", and I always just asked, at least myself, why we did this, because when I write, I don't care for all this. There is no hidden meaning > >
This and what Reton wrote is why I hate art classes. Can they teach us to draw better, paint better?... Maybe, but why not waste days and weeks reading about obscurely analyzed things that stop making sense entirely.
*bow* And he will come in the night, invisible as the ghost he is, and find those who have broken the laws of what should not be done, those who travelled past the boundaries and carried back those twisted beings of the underworld, that should never be seen, be there, be alive.
/em srsfaec I do not know which Steve you are talking about, so no, I will not draw any Steves, Stevens, Stephens or any other variation of which you are talking.
I am however thinking about doing a big resolutioned awesome pic of monsterghostcandledeer up there.
Cenere, those are some nice pictures. lol. The candle ones were kinda odd, but there nice.
Think about how it would look in a dark forest D:
Fuzzy neko sai in underwear makes Thoad crave more.
Lineart is $10. Full colour would be $15, but perhaps we can find a way around that.
Why, oh why must I want to plow the cartoony fields of your works?!
As long as you do the plowing, it's all good.
Sorry. I had a sense of humor last night. I don't know what I was thinking.
I tried, but then your sense of humour failed with the "I meant the deeeeer!". Just saying. A better reply would have been something like "But the haaaaaaat!" or "lol" or something. *shrug* But yeah, gonna draw my dear (no pun intended) character a bit better, probably in a bigger resolution, so it could be printable for some big scary poster or perhaps a t-****.
And christmascandledeer of Zophia too, because they are made of cute and fuzzy.
Hey, let's make a "guess the character!"-test! ... No, wait, no one knows/remembers/cares about my characters....
A t-WHAT? I presume you meant t-shirt, right? Or was that your way of implying that your drawings are so terrible they're only worthy of a 't-****', not a t-shirt..