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We need more art, so another remake of my art thread.
Nope, nothing more to say.


You know the paint-thread No paint no gain? I saw it, thought "Hey, I wanna try something like that again." and opened paint.
Now, the OP states that it should be crappy 5-minutes paintings. Let's just say I ended up using just a wee bit more time than that.

I think I managed to get impatient, lazy and uninspired five times making this, and then I had to colour it too. And background is craptastic, because his hair is just a tiny bit annoying to try and colour in between, and I generally don't have patience for background. Perhaps another time.

Also, as seen in Strop's thread:
For whatever reason. Like... The background.

  • 197 Replies
13,657 posts

I need more art classes.

Nah, you need a bit of practice and a huge amount of will to explore. Oh, and use a lot of time on stuff you won't show others, because it is there just because it is.
A feel for colours, observing others, hundreds of tutorials that doesn't help, but give you an idea on how you are going to go about with it...

As for the assuming... I would have worked on it more, and saved it properly in that case. Because jpgs, when you try to make stuff look good... is not the option.

I like how you make the candles part of the antlers

Have one more?
2,520 posts

That's quite unnerving if I say so myself...

1,946 posts

I like the addition of the red candle, and I sort of agree with Nurvana, the deer looks kind of creepy. I'm amazed that you can do this sort of thing with paint and other similar programs.

3,174 posts

Let's see if I can analysis this using the knowledge of the one class I took that kind of had to do with art.

This work looks like it's gouache on canvas or maybe acrylic on canvas (but most likely computer, but then I wouldn't using the art terms.)
This semi-abstract work uses a color scheme that includes red and orange hues. These analogous colors bring a sense of harmony and warmth to the piece. The harmony is broken by the asymmetric deer head, which is also the focal point of the piece. The viewers attention is drawn to the deer by the use of a large amount of negative space around the deer. There is a nice use of chiaroscuro on the deer head and candles which also draws the viewers attention to it. Although this is a painting, the work mimics a shallow focus, which draws additional attention to the deer.

Yup, I tried to cram those terms in there and I don't even know if I used those all 100% correctly haha.

3,174 posts

I forgot to put quotes around the piece. I feel like I need to post this.
The piece in my above post was made by Cenere.

13,657 posts

Oh mai, all the replies, I almost feel... Nah, it's the same, but all good.

That's quite unnerving if I say so myself...

Goal reached, then.
Besides, it is a deer with candles in its antlers.

I like the addition of the red candle, and I sort of agree with Nurvana, the deer looks kind of creepy. I'm amazed that you can do this sort of thing with paint and other similar programs.

It is quite fitting for the broken side of his head. And then I could do some colouring that looked like blood too.
As for the programmes, well, Sai is darn awesome to use. Best buddy ever.

@Reton: Considering how many art classes I have attended before I concluded they just taught me the same all over, I can remember non of that. But thanks for the effort either way.
Also me = actually good with colours (which I think is the only thing I will admit to being good at).

I have wondered a little that no one has commented on the broken antler, considering that it is there on basically all the deer pics I do, and my consistency in deer is non-existent.
Neways. I have to say that this was... at least a little fun to do, even if it was more or less fuelled by being emo (again).
Oh, and I really need to learn how to draw deer one of these days.
9,504 posts

Broken..antle--OH I SEE IT! Kinda...hard to see there. Anyway, NO EMO! Be happy! Not to horse whip you or anything, but I bet you that drawing something cute, pretty, colorful, or otherwise happy will make you happy in return

2,520 posts

Goal reached, then

Oh, well...

My my, I just noticed that one of its antlers is broken... if only a certain moderator would explain that....
1,031 posts

Gee thanks... now I'm going to have nightmares about candle monsters 0.o

3,174 posts

Considering how many art classes I have attended before I concluded they just taught me the same all over, I can remember non of that.

Yeah it was from a humanities class. The class covered a broad range so it didn't get into detail. It also seem that humanities focuses on the analysis of finished pieces. Some of the course material seems like bull-- to me, like before someone paints something do they really sit there and say, "I'm going to make a abstract piece that use these tones has some chiaroscuro, uses foreshortening and implied line." I'm sure the pieces are thought out before hand, but the class made things seem mechanical like the artists hand to use a certain type of line for a certain reason, or there had to be a reason for the colors chosen aside from the artist possibly liking that color. Idk
13,657 posts

Broken..antle--OH I SEE IT! Kinda...hard to see there. Anyway, NO EMO! Be happy! Not to horse whip you or anything, but I bet you that drawing something cute, pretty, colorful, or otherwise happy will make you happy in return

But blood and pain makes me happy D:

My my, I just noticed that one of its antlers is broken... if only a certain moderator would explain that....

Let's get Strop to explain it

@Reton: I have the same trouble... Well, I had the same trouble when we had to analyse texts back in high school. It's all "Well, then this means this, and that means something else", and I always just asked, at least myself, why we did this, because when I write, I don't care for all this. There is no hidden meaning > >

Gee thanks... now I'm going to have nightmares about candle monsters 0.o

Personally, I would be more afraid of this form:
He would actually want to eat your face... And suck out your soul and blood.
3,086 posts

He needs a top hat and a name along the lines of Steve or mike

13,657 posts

He does have a name, but that would spoil the thing with the broken antler, I am bothering people with. Well, after I told them.
As for the tophat, it would not be able to stay on him, considering he is more or less a corporal ghost.

3,086 posts

As for the top-hat, it would not be able to stay on him, considering he is more or less a corporal ghost.

But that's all a part of the magic and whimsical sense of humor that surrounds him. A terrifying, soul eating ghost he may be, but a hat would completely confuse his terrified victims and give this malevolent beasty some character. Not to mention a great sense of style
13,657 posts

I would rather go with a monocle.
Sadly, I do think his victims would never actually notice the hat before they die a horrible, horrible death I will not speak off because of the pg13 censor on this site.
It would be more amusing if it wasn't for the reason of the shape, the history behind it and the general "There is nothing fun about this"-feel of it all.

I think we should add one to minideer, though, that would perhaps stop him from headbutting everything in sight that looks threatening or dominant.

Showing 31-45 of 197