ForumsArt, Music, and Writingart

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We need more art, so another remake of my art thread.
Nope, nothing more to say.


You know the paint-thread No paint no gain? I saw it, thought "Hey, I wanna try something like that again." and opened paint.
Now, the OP states that it should be crappy 5-minutes paintings. Let's just say I ended up using just a wee bit more time than that.

I think I managed to get impatient, lazy and uninspired five times making this, and then I had to colour it too. And background is craptastic, because his hair is just a tiny bit annoying to try and colour in between, and I generally don't have patience for background. Perhaps another time.

Also, as seen in Strop's thread:
For whatever reason. Like... The background.

  • 197 Replies
3,174 posts

I have heard of it, but considering I don't play video games of any kind, You will need to explain.

Well, it may not be a strong connection but,
(This is not my work, but I'm posting these for an example)

(This is not my work, but I'm posting these for an example)

Something about it, the eeriness or something, idk.
3,174 posts

Okay, delete the last post. Frustrated. Last try and putting a link.

(This is not my work, but I'm posting these for an example)

13,657 posts

I know how to write erotic fiction.

So do I, and probably better too.

Thank you very much


Hmm, I like the design of those. I don't quite see the connection, but that doesn't make the designs less awesome.
13,657 posts

Yup, I need more practice on animals.

Either way, one of 'Steve's' does.

Though without ghost deer form. I am not sure she has one.
And yes, I think this will be the last deer-drawing besides hopefully making the monsterdeerghosthing a bit better.

2,417 posts

I'm behind the loop cen, so may I ask who the hell is Steve?
And all the demonic deer are looking at me because of the few deer I've killed

13,657 posts

I'm behind the loop cen, so may I ask who the hell is Steve?

Efan nicknamed the deer with the broken antler that. Apparently because that was more fitting than his actual name, so...

And all the demonic deer are looking at me because of the few deer I've killed

Actually, he would only come after you if you did a bad job hunting or being disrespectful against the prey.
Or you robbed graves in his territory.

Because Zophia made me pokemaniac again.
3,086 posts

What's the pink, hare like think doing to the unicorn? Aside from that, pretty good work.

2,417 posts

O, the demonic deer is steve? Yeah, lets go with his real name, kinda reminds me of a wendigo. Also your style for it reminds me greatly of the stuff Steve Gammel did for the Scary Stories series. I'll link ya up something if you care to see.

Actually, he would only come after you if you did a bad job hunting or being disrespectful against the prey.Or you robbed graves in his territory.

O, well I'm very serious when it comes to respect for killing animals (for food). When I killed my first deer, I had a dream that night where I was constantly saying sorry to it. So in a sense, I have been visited by the spirit of the woods lol.
6,800 posts

These are all really good, though the candle ones kinda scare me just a bit. And wasn't Steve the Dragon the (un)Official Mascot of Armor Games? I remember a thread about a year ago and they were talking about the mascot (and lack thereof) and someone mentioned a dragon called steve or walter or something. Just curious.

13,657 posts

What's the pink, hare like think doing to the unicorn? Aside from that, pretty good work.

I am unsure if the reason you haven't asked about the rest, is because you know them, or that you don't know any of them, and have lived under a rock for the last 15ish years. Sorry.

@Bronze: I agree. Sadly, no one seems to know the name, so I am just shrugging it off.
And sure, throw me a link.

@Maverick: First, sorry, no, I haven't read your stories. I am not much of a reader these days, because of finals and other stuff meaning my brain is frying. So, sorry:<
Candledeer are deeply scary.
As for the mascot, I can't remember. If there was, the two dragons are only related by being dragons. Since 'Steve' here is not called that.
2,417 posts

Sorry Cen, couldn't find a good gallery site but here is good pic.


6,800 posts

First, sorry, no, I haven't read your stories. I am not much of a reader these days, because of finals and other stuff meaning my brain is frying. So, sorry:<

No problem, I was just curious.

Candledeer are deeply scary.


As for the mascot, I can't remember. If there was, the two dragons are only related by being dragons. Since 'Steve' here is not called that.

Again, just curious.
13,657 posts

@Bronze: That is in general a style of many creepy items, I think. But yeah, it does look interesting.

@Maverick: No problem.
And now I am kinda curious about the mascot thing as well.

Anyway, further pokemania:

Of course, general design/species (C) Nintendo, Gamefreak.

13,657 posts

I am unsure if the reason you haven't asked about the rest, is because you know them, or that you don't know any of them, and have lived under a rock for the last 15ish years. Sorry.

*facepalm* Baad Cen. Read properly.
Well, one thing still stands: 15 years under a rock? Possibly? Idk > >
And, sorry for apparently being awesome and misreading your post - -
It isn't doing anything, considering one is in the foreground, the other is in the back ground, and there is thus no interactions between them. It is pawing at the floaty chandelier with the fire coming out of.
Once again: Gee, good job at being a jerk, Cenneh - -... Soz.

Ekkie, the Rapidash is scarily overpowered due to being the only pokemon in Eric's team that has stayed since he started travelling about. Ekkie is also awesome, thoroughbred and whiteish, with strong fast legs and an appetite for everything, mainly chewing gum left on the street and newspaper.
He stayed in ponyta form for a long while, because he accidentally swallowed a bit of an everstone when he was a foal, and only recently the stone got burned up. Then he magically evolved.
--, the Sazandora, was Eric's first pokemon in the new region, or well, the basic form of her was. They met each other when she decided to try and eat Eric's legs during his capture in a cave. Considering the generally violent nature of the pokemon, she is rather calm due to good training, and a beast in a battle, having been taught a few tm and hm moves over the time.
She and her trainer have an equal fear and respect for each other after the time they did not know each other, but she is loyal to Eric, and he is not going to let her down either.
Epsalon, the Espeon, is not one of the Eevees in Eric's Eon project. Rather he was just there on the day Eric returned back to Johto. A small Eevee scavenging a big city, which is generally hard if you are just that. He was not caught as much as just stumbled upon, and then decided to cling to this human being and his Dash. He is not much of a fighter. Has a weird relationship with -- the Shandera. Neither of them seem to understand each other, which makes them both scared and curious about each other.
--, the Shandera, was another of the pokemon Eric caught during his journey in the Unova region. She was a cute little Hitomoshi at that time, well, of course only if you find ghost pokemon that suck out your soul cute.
Apparently Eric did.
She has come to peace which this urge, and is fine as long as she can act as a combined nightlight and security when the rest of her new family is asleep. Has a weird relationship with Epsalon, simply because she doesn't quite understand how he can be so similar and yet so different to her.
--, the Meguroco... Simply decided to follow along. He likes life, and loves everyone. Like a little, overpowered sand-puppy.
--, the Luxray, is the grumpy part of the team. She will not partake in anything not involved in some kind of hunting down others for fun, and would probably be considered the levelheaded, snarky nerd of the team, had she been human. Well, besides of the considerable bulk of her form.
Does not like the little crocodile pokemon, simply because of the optimism and overly happy nature of him. It does get annoying after a while.

13,657 posts

Third time's the charm? I don't know, but it is time for Sazandora to go roar.

Showing 61-75 of 197