Welcome to World War 2; it's very simple, so listen up. I'm not going to change history or anything, so when they win they win and when they don't they don't! I'll be using your char in the story so fill the below sheet out if you're interested. The more detailed the better!
Name: Age: Country: Physical Description: Personality: Biography: Skills: Bad At: What Would You Like Me To Do With Your Character: Other:
Sirnoob, yes, you are already in this. Enjoy everyone.
Name: Gen. Brian Age: *Blank* Country: U.S.A. Physical Description: Powerful, strong and muscular Personality: Nice, loyal and honest Biography: I am tough, and cool! Thats all you need to know about me! Skills: Breaking peoples necks and shooting the guts out of people Bad At: Nothing What Would You Like Me To Do With Your Character: Whatever you were going to do Other: Nothing
Name:Lime Age:11 (lolz) Country:Usa Physical Description: Strong, but you can't see it in his muscsles Personality:stong, brave,never gives up. Biography: he's currently a 5 star pilot. (trust the 11's) Skills: 5 star pilot Bad At: tanks, driving land veilicles. What Would You Like Me To Do With Your Character: well, let's say he saves some of us, by a plane. Other: brown hair,brown eyes,hair is spiky, wears radiation shirt.
Name:Phillip Vasquez Age:18 Country:Mexico (but joined american forces) Physical Description:tall for his age,a bit chubby,not the strongest,void black short hair,dark brown eyes,darkish tan Personality:slightly shy,loud,brave and with courage Biography:was growing up in Mexico but got a visa and went to America for a better life after he finished high school he joined the army when the German threat came upon us Skills:tinkering with things,driving,fixing and making things Bad At:leading,making tough decisions under pressure What Would You Like Me To Do With Your Character:be an army engineer on the front lines with a custom colt 1911 prefer alive but if he has to die make it in a brave way,deployed to africa Other:short hair,always wears shorts even army issue,usually wears t shirt when not in combat,loves his mess hall food!
Name: LTC Orion Stellus Age: 36 (on September 1st, 1939) Country: Germany Physical Description: The man is large, about 6'2". Broad at the shoulders, and well built for running and fighting. He has blond hair, blue eyes (yes, that's right, I'm effing Aryan), but otherwise, nothing outstanding. Personality: Very impatient when dealing with incompetence, and drives his men to the brink and sometimes over. He expects nothing but the best. He is also very narcissistic, not only in himself but in his soldiers. Anything that could make him or his men look bad, he often has killed. Quite the psychopath, as well, but very friendly if you don't get on his bad side. He's loyal to the Fuhrer, all the way to the end. Biography: Born August 14th, 1903, he grew up in a poor neighborhood of Munich. Both of his brothers fought during World War I, and both died at the Battle of the Somme. This spurred him to make it his goal to become the greatest soldier in history, a soldier who showed to cowardice or weakness, always wanting to be praised by his superiors. He joined the army when he turned 16. By the time WWII rolled around, he was a lieutenant colonel in the SS, and a friend of Hitler himself. Skills: Killing, pretty much. He can also play 21 pretty well. He is also a fan on lockpicking, and does it in his spare time. Bad At: Showing empathy to pretty much anyone, do to his lack of it. What Would You Like Me To Do With Your Character: I'd like him to be the enemy. The guy who fights the good guys. If he must die, I want him to die with the utmost of valor, like a true SS officer. None of that typical Nazi suicide. Other: He prefers killing armed soldiers to killing unarmed civilians, but he'll do whatever is necessary to ensure the job is done. Period.
I'm not actually a Nazi. I just though I'd put up a character that would fit in with the rest of the Nazis.