We need more art, so another remake of my art thread. Nope, nothing more to say.
You know the paint-thread No paint no gain? I saw it, thought "Hey, I wanna try something like that again." and opened paint. Now, the OP states that it should be crappy 5-minutes paintings. Let's just say I ended up using just a wee bit more time than that.
I think I managed to get impatient, lazy and uninspired five times making this, and then I had to colour it too. And background is craptastic, because his hair is just a tiny bit annoying to try and colour in between, and I generally don't have patience for background. Perhaps another time.
Also, as seen in Strop's thread: For whatever reason. Like... The background.
I liked the first one, its so detailed and emotistic, I think that it would be better if he had black hair though. On the other hand, when I saw the second one I said to myself: What the hell is that? it hurts my eyes and my brain trying to figure out what it is. O.o
lol pazx, I think you need to turn the brightness on your monitor up... you'll find a body attached to those two "legs" and you'll find those two "legs" are in fact arms...
...which is to say Strip is successfully ninja if she hurt your brain!
You did this...in PAINT? Oh jebus. You have reached a level totally beyond my understanding.
I will recommend you look up "Mona lisa mspaint" on youtube.
I liked the first one, its so detailed and emotistic, I think that it would be better if he had black hair though.
I think he likes his hair just as it is, really.
On the other hand, when I saw the second one I said to myself: What the hell is that? it hurts my eyes and my brain trying to figure out what it is. O.o
You need a brighter screen. Funnily enough, the people who usually criticise my darker works for being too dark (in terms of colouring, not emotion) found it to be good, though.
...which is to say Strip is successfully ninja if she hurt your brain!
Even more so if she hurts your brain without you ever seeing it's her.
Hww do you create stuff that sweet!? Did you do it in the good old MS Paint or the annoying Windows 7 MS Paint?
Good old Vista MsPaint, like any of my old works. Because nothing says paint as MSPaint.
that is SUPER intense for paint. I can't imagine anyone doing such a thing
Could have been better. Btw, go see the same video as Frank (top quote).
Teh XVERB say somting Beast could not understand. Pwease verify wat teh XVERB is sayin
What is this.
Now I am done replying, we have: More anthropomorphing of programmes.
Average girl, looking average. And to those who can't see past my pun, yes, that would be MSPaint.